CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore


School of Arts and Humanities

Syllabus for
BA (Theatre Studies, Psychology/Honours/Honours with Research)
Academic Year  (2024)



Assesment Pattern

CIA 1 - Out of 20 marks, centralised or departmental level, depending on the course.

CIA2 - Mid-semester examination out of 50 marks, centralised or departmental level, depending on the course.

CIA3 - Out of 20 marks, centralised or departmental level, depends on the course.

The end-semester examination, out of 50 or 100 marks, centralised or departmental level, depends on the course.

Examination And Assesments

Examination and Assessments differ depending on the course: 

- Written centralised examination 

- Submission departmental level 

- Performance-based practical examinations and assessments 

Department Overview:

The Department of Theatre Studies established since 2013 with programme Theatre Studies, Communication, English Studies (TCE) with 25 students. It started as the unique concept in Western Theatre by the Vice-Chancellor Fr Dr Thomas C Mathew, the Registrar Dr Anil Joseph Pinto and Prof. Esther Yates (Late). Our first batch of 25 students graduated in 2016; and since the department has grown to the overall strength of 106 students, with 4 full-time faculty, 2 adjunct faculty.

Mission Statement:


To raise performance to a level of professionalism which will be globally recognized and foster integrity through aesthetic performance. 


To mentor the birth and sustained growth of performance artists by facilitating the development of their potential and skills through a cultural ethos that embodies respect, humility and discipline.

Introduction to Program:

This course equips students with the knowledge of human behaviour to understand motivation and build empathy to bring dynamic stories to life on stage.  Students will learn about character motivation through foundational acting techniques that are supported by companion studies in psychology and behavioural science. They will also collaborate on all aspects of live theatre production, including acting, directing, stage management, costumes, lights, sound, props, and set design. Students who have secured 75% marks and above in the first six semesters are eligible to qualify for a 4-year degree (Honours / Honours with Research) in Psychology or may be eligible to pursue an Honours degree in Theatre.

Program Objective:

Programme Outcome/Programme Learning Goals/Programme Learning Outcome:

PO1: Academic expertise: Explore, create and experience Western theatre through academic and praxis to develop a holistic theatre professional.

PO2: Critical Thinking: Use plays as a resource material about the time, space, weight and flow of people. Understanding the mentality of human archetypes using exercises specific to the theatre.

PO3: Effective Communication: Increase kinaesthetic discipline using accurate posture, delivery and stage presence. Making oneself truly humble, knowledgeable and easy to approach by prompting and accepting feedback from the audience.

PO4: Social Interaction: Aiming to create effective group leaders through a conservatoire method with an ensemble focus.

PO5: Effective Citizenship: Help students understand the fundamental processes underlying human behaviour, development and change from biological and psychosocial perspectives.

PO6: Ethics: Guiding them to create productions on their own making them understand the importance of accountability and responsibility. Respecting the academic integrity of the institution and course.

PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Engage with socio-cultural psychological contexts along with environmental needs and concerns.

PO8: Continue a dedicated path to the thespian disciplines without dousing the spark of curiosity.

Programme Specific Outcome:

PSO1: Develop holistic theatre skills through workshops and tutorials with relevant guest speakers.

PSO2: Develop a professional portfolio to apply for different kinds of specialisations under the broad umbrella of theatre studies.

PSO3: Allow students to direct, stage manage, script-write, compose and act on their own in student-led productions.

PSO4: Apply aesthetics to practical skill sets using a mix of different schools and styles of theatre studies.

PSO5: Present research at a conference in the field of Performing Arts.

PSO6: Network with industry professionals to experience and engage in relevant theatrical career paths.

PSO7: Devise performance and rehearsal exercises directed towards developing character behaviour, psychology and mannerisms.

Programme Educational Objective:

PEO1: Professional Skills: Demonstrate personal integrity with domain expertise and practical skills.

PEO2: Emotional Self-Regulation: Demonstrate empathy by listening with respect for others.

PEO3: Communication Skills: Demonstrate creative thinking using verbal and non-verbal skills.

PEO4: Co-Creation: Demonstrate consultative decision-making using analytical thinking and assertiveness.

PEO5: Entrepreneurship: Demonstrate leadership and team-building skills through facilitation.

PEO6: Research Skills: Demonstrate a global perspective using critical thinking and knowledge application.

PEO7: Cultural Competency: Demonstrate respecting diversity with cross-cultural understanding and humility.

PEO8: Autonomy: Demonstrate adaptability through self-awareness and continuous learning.

ENG181-1 - ENGLISH (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description

  • To expose learners to a variety of texts to interact with
  • To help learners classify ideologies and be able to express the same
  • To expose learners to visual texts and its reading formulas
  • To help learners develop a taste to appreciate works of literature through the organization of language
  • To help develop critical thinking
  • To help learners appreciate literature and the language nuances that enhances its literary values
  • To help learners understand the relationship between the world around them and the text/literature
  • To help learners negotiate with content and infer meaning contextually
  • To help learners understand logical sequencing of content and process information

·         To help improve their communication skills for larger academic purposes and vocational purposes

·         To enable learners to learn the contextual use of words and the generic meaning

·         To enable learners to listen to audio content and infer contextual meaning

·         To enable learners to be able to speak for various purposes and occasions using context specific language and expressions

·         To enable learners to develop the ability to write for various purposes using suitable and precise language.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand how to engage with texts from various countries, historical, cultural specificities, and politics and develop the ability to reflect upon and comment on texts with various themes

CO2: Develop an analytical and critical bent of mind to compare and analyze the various literature they read and discuss in class

CO3: Develop the ability to communicate both orally and in writing for various purposes

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Text Books And Reference Books:

ENGlogue 1

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Additional  material as per teacher manual will be provided by the teachers

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1=20 

CIA 2=50 

CIA 3= 20 

ESE= 50 marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This first-semester course introduces undergraduate psychology majors to the scientific study of human nature. The student would be able to understand how psychologists ask questions from several different perspectives. Students will learn about the various scientific methods psychologists use to study behaviour and become acquainted with many of psychology's important findings and theoretical approaches. Further, students will be able to appreciate the shape that contemporary psychology has taken. The aim is to build a familiarity with psychology’s intellectual origins and to foster an awareness of its many false steps, dead-ends, and alternative pathways to appreciating the social, cultural, and psychological influences on theorising in psychology. The course will equip the student with knowledge and scope for careers in psychology and develop an understanding of the professional skills required for such a career. Students will have learned to think critically about psychological evidence through journal clubs and class discussions embedded in the course.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Explain the fundamental concepts, principles, and scientific approaches in psychology.

CO2: Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today's society.

CO3: Reflect on the different career paths, roles, challenges, and responsibilities of a psychologist

CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO1. Explain the fundamental concepts, principles and scientific approaches in psychology.

Definition, Goals, Principles of psychology. Psychology as a science: Objectivity versus subjectivity. mind-body connection; Why study behaviour; Thinking like a psychologist about psychological information; Myths and misconceptions about psychology

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO2. Evaluate the history of psychology and how it has impacted today?s society.

Roots of psychology: Schools and perspectives of psychology, including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behaviouristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Humanistic, Cross-cultural and Evolutionary. Eastern philosophies broader perspectives– Confucius and Taoism, Indian - Buddhism, (special comparing Eastern and Western principles in major concepts like consciousness and meditation). Psychology in modern India (Indigenous nature) 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO3. Reflect on the different roles, challenges and responsibilities of the psychologist

Why study psychology? what is the scope Describe the value of psychology and possible career paths for those who study psychology? Specific focus on opportunities after BA; Allied professionals -social work, public health Broad focus on professional skills (especially as a practitioner and researcher) essential to be a psychologist and discuss the temper required to pursue psychology as a career. What can students do at BA to pursue a career in psychology? Multicultural and ethical issues; professional responsibility- Personal and professional roles.

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Critically analyse psychological research and different psychological issues with evidence-based reasoning

Methods – use of scientific methods in psychology; scientific temper. How to review literature- discuss current issues and trends- Mental health literacy, psychological literacy, Current trends in Psychology, and issues discussed in CO 1,2 or 3

Writing and communicating using APA standards -Critically reviewing academic texts (books, journal articles etc.). APA style of writing Basic APA formatting for articles, APA referencing style, Academic writing skills.  

Text Books And Reference Books:

Feldman, R. S. (2011). Understanding Psychology. Tata McGraw Hill.

Weiten, W. (2014). Psychology: Themes and Variations (Briefer Version, 9th edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. 

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). 1037/0000165-000

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Ciccarelli, S.K. & White, J. N. (2012). Psychology (3rd edition). Pearson Education. 

Dalal, A. K., & Misra, G. (2010). The core and context of Indian psychology. Psychology and developing societies, 22(1), 121-155.

Brennan, J.F. (2003). History and systems of psychology (6thEdn.).New Delhi: Pearson Education Inc.

Hergenhahn, B.R. & Henley, T. (2013). An Introduction to the History of Psychology. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

Hockenbury, D. H. & Hockenbury, S. E. (2011). Discovering Psychology (5th edition). Worth Publishers 

 Showman, A., Cat, L. A., Cook, J., Holloway, N., & Wittman, T. (2013). Five essential skills for every undergraduate researcher. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 33(3), 16+. pps/doc/A324399343/ AONE?u=monash&sid =googleScholar&xid= a3697d9b

Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks

CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks 

CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks

Attendance - 5 Marks

CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks

ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS

ESE Question paper pattern

Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks

Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks

Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks


Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


·      This course aims at giving basic in the Theatre and its elements.

·      Orientation to the Theatre Ensemble. 

·      Understand the global practices in theatre.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the basic elements of theatre

CO2: Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the nature of Theatre as different from other forms of arts

Teaching Hours:45
Introduction to Aspects of Theatre

Introduction to Playwriting, Acting, Directing, Setting, Costume, Makeup, Lighting &Sound

Teaching Hours:45
Introduction to Aspects of Theatre

Introduction to Playwriting, Acting, Directing, Setting, Costume, Makeup, Lighting &Sound

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Theatre Space and Technology

·      Introduction to Theatre spaces- Amphitheatre, Proscenium, Theatre in the round (Arena), Thrust stage, Found space, Environmental space.

·      Poster, Leaflet/Brochure development

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Theatre Space and Technology

·      Introduction to Theatre spaces- Amphitheatre, Proscenium, Theatre in the round (Arena), Thrust stage, Found space, Environmental space.

·      Poster, Leaflet/Brochure development

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. The Art of Theatre by Downs, William Missouri, Lou Anne Wright, and Erik Ramsey  Edition: Fourth Edition Publisher: Boston: Cengage Learning, 2018
  2. Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays by David Ball Publisher: Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Acting: Onstage and Off by Barton, Robert Edition: Seventh Edition Publisher: Boston: Cengage Learning, 2016
  2. The Creative Habit by Tharp, Twyla Publisher: New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006
  3. Outstanding Short Plays by Pospisil, Craig Publisher: New York, Dramatists Play Service, 2012
  4. Rhinoceros and Other Plays by Ionesco, Eugene translated by Derek Prouse Publisher: New York: Grove Press, 1960 
Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern:

Conducted internally at the departmental level

Practical designs work with models, and the Poster/Brochure exhibition will be the End Semester Examination. 


CIA II (50 marks) – Submission of a prop

CIA III (20 marks) – A play presentation and poster making

ESE (50 marks) – Creating a set of a play with a cardboard 

Extra 5 marks for attendance 

Total (100 marks)


THE161-1 - VOICE AND MOVEMENT (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description

This skill enhancement course introduces students to the fundamentals of movement and voice training for theatre. Students gain skills to improve their physical awareness, body alignment, and movement. The voice training part of the course is based on the phonopedic method of voice development, which is practised globally. 

Learning Outcome

CO1: The ability to describe, notate, and perform basic movement and voice qualities.

CO2: Increased physical concentration in performance

CO3: An understanding of how movement and vocal qualities are utilized to develop character.

CO4: The ability to intertwine movement and voice with text.

CO5: Ensemble awareness.

CO6: Be able to pronounce texts by effectively using natural human resonators.

CO7: To determine the appropriate practical voice techniques for solving dramaturgical tasks within the framework of the performance in the play.

Teaching Hours:20

·        Developing clarity, articulation, and voice modulation.

·        Voice projection

·        Creating voice for building a character

·        Resonances in singing

Teaching Hours:20

·        Developing clarity, articulation, and voice modulation.

·        Voice projection

·        Creating voice for building a character

·        Resonances in singing

Teaching Hours:25
Stage Movement

• Exercises to develop the flexibility and endurance of a body.

• Removing physical ‘blocks’.

• Body language as a part of ‘building’ a character.

• Creating an ensemble

Teaching Hours:25
Stage Movement

• Exercises to develop the flexibility and endurance of a body.

• Removing physical ‘blocks’.

• Body language as a part of ‘building’ a character.

• Creating an ensemble

Text Books And Reference Books:

Murray, Simon David, Jacques Lecoq.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

The Voice Exercise Book: A Guide to Healthy and Effective Voice Use, by Jeannette Nelson

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation pattern: 

Conducted internally at the departmental level

The students will be tested on the learnt skills of movements and voice through demonstration. 


CIA II (50 marks) – Demonstration of vocal and movement exercises 


ESE (50 marks) – Two performances. One of the tongues twisters another of the ensemble's work 


Total (100 marks)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


A first-semester foundational course to help majors understand how plays work onstage beyond a literary analysis alone. Concepts of dramaturgy, playwrighting, directing, and designing help students interpret scripts as stories meant to be seen, heard, and experienced by a live audience. The plays students read are written by global, local and regional playwrights. 

To gain an understanding of theatre scripts as a medium that are meant to be interpreted both visually and audially.

To develop skills in script analysis for application in performance, design, and direction.


Learning Outcome

CO1: An understanding of practical proficiency in executing the fundamental principles of script analysis.

CO2: An appreciation and understanding of a broader repertoire of dramatic literature, including plays from various eras and genres by diverse playwrights.

CO3: Students will showcase acquired skills through play readings, analysis presentations, developmental mind maps, visual research presentations, and thematic discussions.

Teaching Hours:7
Play Reading Skills

Application of play reading skills through table reads, class discussions, and play reports

Teaching Hours:7
Play Reading Skills

Application of play reading skills through table reads, class discussions, and play reports

Teaching Hours:8
Common Structures, Variations, and Innovations

Exploration of various stage story structures through plot maps, story comparisons, and theatrical readings


Teaching Hours:8
Common Structures, Variations, and Innovations

Exploration of various stage story structures through plot maps, story comparisons, and theatrical readings


Teaching Hours:7
Applying Analysis for Design

Students will use tools of analysis to develop design concepts for staging a play using mood boards, visual research collages, sketches, and/or models


Teaching Hours:7
Applying Analysis for Design

Students will use tools of analysis to develop design concepts for staging a play using mood boards, visual research collages, sketches, and/or models


Teaching Hours:8
Applying Analysis for Performance

Students will apply tools of script analysis to characterization and performance techniques by cutting, rehearsing, and performing audition material from studied scripts


Teaching Hours:8
Applying Analysis for Performance

Students will apply tools of script analysis to characterization and performance techniques by cutting, rehearsing, and performing audition material from studied scripts


Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. Ball, David. Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. Print.

  2. Playscripts selected by instructor and actors for case study projects 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Hodge, Hodge & Michael McLain. Play Directing: Analysis, Communication, and Style, 7th Ed. New York: Routledge, 2015. Print.

  2. James, Thomas. Script Analysis for Actors, Directors, and Designers, 6th Ed. New York: Routledge, 2019. Print.

Evaluation Pattern

Conducted internally at the departmental level

CIA I (20 marks):  Preparation of Class Discussion Questions

CIA II (25 marks):  MCQ & Short Answer Examination

CIA III (20 marks):  Play Report Presentation

ESE (25 marks):  Audition Monologue Script Cutting and Performance

Extra 10 marks for attendance 


            Total (100 marks)


THE182-1 - STAGE COMBAT (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Stage Combat in Theatre is a course focusing on the principles, techniques, and safety protocols essential for creating compelling fight scenes in theatrical productions. Through hands-on training, students learn unarmed combat and choreographed fight sequences. Emphasis is placed on safety, proper warm-ups, partner communication, and technique. By the course's end, students gain practical skills in choreography, performance, and integrating fight scenes into dramatic storytelling. This unique course is a necessary practice for the students on local and global levels. Increases students' employability chances. 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Learn fundamental principles of stage combat, including distance, timing, and precision.

CO2: Demonstrate the ability to choreograph and perform staged combat sequences with realism.

CO3: Collaborate effectively with ensemble members to create safe and dynamic fight scenes that enhance the narrative and thematic elements of theatrical productions.

Teaching Hours:15
Essential Techniques and Safety Protocols


  • Introduction to fundamental stage combat principles: distance, timing, and precision.

  • Hands-on practice in unarmed combat.

  • Emphasis on safety protocols, including warm-up routines and partner communication.

Teaching Hours:15
Essential Techniques and Safety Protocols


  • Introduction to fundamental stage combat principles: distance, timing, and precision.

  • Hands-on practice in unarmed combat.

  • Emphasis on safety protocols, including warm-up routines and partner communication.

Teaching Hours:15
Stage combat choreography


  • Exploration of choreography methods.

  • Practical exercises in developing and executing complex staged combat sequences.

  • Integration of fight scenes into theatrical productions to enhance narrative and thematic elements. 

Teaching Hours:15
Stage combat choreography


  • Exploration of choreography methods.

  • Practical exercises in developing and executing complex staged combat sequences.

  • Integration of fight scenes into theatrical productions to enhance narrative and thematic elements. 

Text Books And Reference Books:

Stage Combat Arts / By Christopher Duval

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

The art of unarmed stage combat / Robert Najarian

Evaluation Pattern

Conducted internally at the departmental level.


CIA II (50 marks) –demonstration of skills with an explanation of the technique 


ESE (50 marks) – Performance of choreographed stage fight sequence 


            Total (100 marks)

ENG181-2 - ENGLISH (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description

  • To expose learners to a variety of texts to interact with
  • To help learners classify ideologies and be able to express the same
  • To expose learners to visual texts and its reading formulas
  • To help learners develop a taste to appreciate works of literature through the organization of language
  • To help develop critical thinking
  • To help learners appreciate literature and the language nuances that enhances its literary values
  • To help learners understand the relationship between the world around them and the text/literature
  • To help learners negotiate with content and infer meaning contextually
  • To help learners understand logical sequencing of content and process information

·         To help improve their communication skills for larger academic purposes and vocational purposes

·         To enable learners to learn the contextual use of words and the generic meaning

·         To enable learners to listen to audio content and infer contextual meaning

·         To enable learners to be able to speak for various purposes and occasions using context specific language and expressions

·         To enable learners to develop the ability to write for various purposes using suitable and precise language.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand how to engage with texts from various countries, historical, cultural specificities, and politics and develop the ability to reflect upon and comment on texts with various themes

CO2: Develop an analytical and critical bent of mind to compare and analyze the various literature they read and discuss in class

CO3: Develop the ability to communicate both orally and in writing for various purposes

Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Text Books And Reference Books:

ENGlogue 1

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

teacher manual and worksheets that teachers would provide. Listening skills worksheets.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA1- 20


CIA3- 20

ESE- 50


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course helps students to understand and explore views on personality and individual differences. The course poses an opportunity for students to help understand the various theoretical approaches to the concepts of personality, intelligence and learning. The students will learn the strengths and weaknesses of major theories as well as how to assess and apply these theories. With the support of psychometric tools and lab-based activities, students would be able to identify the various tools to investigate personality and intelligence and be able to better understand themselves and others.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Describe the theoretical perspectives and psychometric assessments in personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

CO2: Explain the contribution of behaviourism, cognitivism and social cognitive theory to the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

CO3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests

CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 1: Describe the theoretical perspectives on personality and how key assumptions in each approach differentially account for individual differences.

Personality: Definition, myths and misconceptions, why study personality Approaches in personality–Psychodynamic - Sigmund-Freud, Carl-Jung, Adler, Caron Horney, Humanistic- Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Dispositional (Type and Trait) and Social-Cognitive approach; Assessment of Personality – Questionnaires and projective tests

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 2: Explain the contribution of behaviouris m, cognitivism and social cognitive theory on the understanding of human learning and how it accounts for observed individual differences.

Learning -classical and operant conditioning -Skinner, Pavlov -social learning theory-Abert Bandura; learned helplessness- Seligman; How motivation is a learned response.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3: Explain individual differences using various intelligence theories and tests.

Intelligence: Definition and concepts: Determinants of Intelligence: Genetic, Environmental influences. Newer trends- Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, Gender Difference Intelligence: Factor theories – Spearman, Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner, Guilford; Cognitive theory - Sternberg Emotional intelligence -EQ; Daniel Golman Can/should intelligence be measured? Flynn effect; concerns of cultural biases; labelling Characteristics of Intelligence tests, Types of Intelligence tests, Reliability, Validity, Norms and standardisation of psychological assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Apply basic principles of personality and individual differences to the understanding of everyday life situations such as interpersonal relations in family, classroom and workplace.

Example of family, classroom and workplace, each addressing conflict and aggression, adapting to the environment- changes and challenges Can people learn? What does the understanding of individual differences account for psychologists?

Text Books And Reference Books:

Weiten, W. (2014). Psychology: Themes and Variations (Briefer Version, 9th edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Ce ngage Learning.

Feldman.S.R.( 2009).Essentia ls of understanding psychology ( 7th Ed.) Tata Mc Graw Hill

Hall, C.S., Lindzey, G. & Camobell, J.B. (2002). Theory of personality(4t h ed.). John Wiley and Sons. 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Funder D. C. (2019). The personality puzzle (Eighth). W. W. Norton & Company.

Schultz, D.P. & Schultz, S.E. (2013). Theories of Personality (10 Ed.). Cengage Learning

Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks

CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks 

CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks

Attendance - 5 Marks

CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks

ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS

ESE Question paper pattern

Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks

Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks

Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks


Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks

PSY202-2 - BRAIN AND BEHAVIOUR (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This second-semester course provides an undergraduate psychology major student with a general understanding of the biological mechanisms by which the brain, nervous system, and endocrine system mediate behaviour and mental processes. The students will be able to appreciate the role of the brain and nervous system in human behaviour and mental processes by studying normal brain functions and biological processes, including neurons and neuronal function, basic brain anatomy, and the sensory systems, as well as potential problems caused by abnormal brain functioning and processes. The course will cover a range of selected behaviours and processes that are critically related to the function of the nervous system. A special emphasis will be placed on research findings that have shed light on the intricacies of the brain-behaviour relationship

Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex

CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Identify the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

The Nervous system; Divisions and cells of the nervous system, the structure, function and types of neurons, Structure and Functions of the Central and peripheral nervous system.

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Explain the neurochemical and hormonal influences on behaviour

Hormones and behaviour, Mechanism of action and effects, Major endocrine glands, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Pituitary, Gonads. Hormones of the hypothalamus. Impact of chemicals on brain and behaviour, psychoactive drugs, addiction and brain

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Articulate psychophysiology of basic human drives of sleep, hunger and sex.

Physiology of sleep. With special emphasis on the mechanisms of the biological clock. Human sleep stages, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain structures and functions that regulate The biology of thirst and hunger, brain mechanisms of hunger, and abnormal brain chemistry in eating disorders and obesity. The discussion on reproductive behaviours would focus on the organising and activating effects of hormones and the detailed biology of gender. 

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Evaluate the brain-behaviour relationship and consequences of damage to brain regions controlling complex behaviours like memory, learning and consciousness.

Types of memory, the brain areas, and/ or mechanisms associated with these different types of memory and amnesia. Physiological representation of learning- engram, brain areas involved in learning and the phenomenon of long-term potentiation. How trauma impacts the brain? And how the brain can rewire -brain plasticity Role of brain in Consciousness

Text Books And Reference Books:

Carlson, N. R. (2005). Foundations of physiological psychology. Pearson Education.

Pinel, J. P. (2009). Biopsychology. Pearson education.

Kalat, J. W. (2015). Biological psychology. Cengage Learning.  

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks - 50

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks

CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks

CIA-3: Individual Assignment - 10 Marks

Attendance - 5 Marks

CIAs + Attendance = 45+5=50 marks

ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50, 02 HOURS

ESE Question paper pattern

Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks

Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks

Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks


Grand Total = CIAs + Attendance + ESE = 45+5+50 = 100 Marks

THE101-2 - THEATRE HISTORY (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course surveys the history of Western theatre and playwriting from Ancient Greek Theatre to the XXI century. Tracing historical developments in acting style, playwriting, and theatrical technology globally.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Students will be able to guide their own understandings and interpretations of theatre history through active class discussions.

CO2: Students will be able to identify and link the world's socio-political situation with Western theatre's development.

CO3: Students will be able to apply their knowledge and understanding of theatre history in practice.

CO4: Students will be able to plan, research, and present individual and group projects.

Teaching Hours:15
Ancient Theatre

Ancient Greek Theatre and Ancient Roman Theatre, Greek and Roman festivals, Greek tragedy and Aristotle’s Poetics, Hamartia, Catharsis, Eight elements of a play, Fabula Atellana, New Comedy, Theatre Spaces, Satyr Play.

Teaching Hours:15
Ancient Theatre

Ancient Greek Theatre and Ancient Roman Theatre, Greek and Roman festivals, Greek tragedy and Aristotle’s Poetics, Hamartia, Catharsis, Eight elements of a play, Fabula Atellana, New Comedy, Theatre Spaces, Satyr Play.

Teaching Hours:10
Medieval Theatre and Renaissance

Medieval Theatre, Commedia Dell’Arte, Shakespeare, Christianity and Theatre,

Innovations in Plot, Characters, Costumes and Themes, Soliloquy, Globe Theatre.

Teaching Hours:10
Medieval Theatre and Renaissance

Medieval Theatre, Commedia Dell’Arte, Shakespeare, Christianity and Theatre,

Innovations in Plot, Characters, Costumes and Themes, Soliloquy, Globe Theatre.

Teaching Hours:15
Theatre of the Nineteenth Century: Road to Realism


Melodrama, Symbolism, Ibsen, GB Shaw, A. Chekhov, Moscow Art Theatre and realism.

Teaching Hours:15
Theatre of the Nineteenth Century: Road to Realism


Melodrama, Symbolism, Ibsen, GB Shaw, A. Chekhov, Moscow Art Theatre and realism.

Teaching Hours:10
Theatre of the Twentieth Century: Responses to Realism

Avant-Garde Theatre: Theatre of Cruelty, Theatre of the Absurd, Poor Theatre, Minimalism. 


American realism: Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Elia Kazan, Theatre and Early Cinema.

Teaching Hours:10
Theatre of the Twentieth Century: Responses to Realism

Avant-Garde Theatre: Theatre of Cruelty, Theatre of the Absurd, Poor Theatre, Minimalism. 


American realism: Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Elia Kazan, Theatre and Early Cinema.

Teaching Hours:10
Contemporary Theatre


Magical Realism, Immersive Theatre, Postmodernism, Adaptation, Devised Theatre, Solo Performance, Technology and Theatre.

Teaching Hours:10
Contemporary Theatre


Magical Realism, Immersive Theatre, Postmodernism, Adaptation, Devised Theatre, Solo Performance, Technology and Theatre.

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.Oedipus Rex






7.The Merchant of Venice 

8.A Midsummer Night's Dream 

9.Romeo and Juliet 



12.The Importance of Being Earnest

13.The Seagull

14.A Streetcar Named Desire


16.Mother Courage and Her Children

17.Death of a Salesman

18.Waiting for Godot


20.Rabbit Hole

21.West Side Story

22.Sweeney Todd

23.Mamma Mia


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.Brockett, G, Oscar.History of Theatre

2.Elam, Keir. Semiotics of Theatre and Drama. 2007. Print.

3.Postlewait, Thomas. Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Historiography. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Print.

4.Powell, Kerry. Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print.

5.Jones, David Richard. Great Directors at Work: Stanislavsky, Brecht, Kazan, Brook. 

6.Zarrilli, Phillip, B.Theatre Histories: An Introduction.New York: Rutledge, Taylor&Francis, 2010.Print.

7.Brandt, George W. Modern Theories of Drama: A Selection of Writings on Drama and Theatre 1850-1990. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Print.

8.Chambers, Colin. The Continuum Companion to Twentieth-Century Theatre. London: Continuum, 2002. Print.

9.Meyer-Dinkgrafe, Daniel. Who`s Who in Contemporary World Theatre. 2002. Print. 

10.Postlewait, Thomas. Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Historiography. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Print.

11.Shepherd, Simon. The Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Theatre. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Print.


Evaluation Pattern

CIA I (20 marks):  A group presentation.

Mid Semester Examination (50 marks): Written centralized exam.

CIA III (20 marks): A group presentation.

End Semester Examination (50 marks): Written centralized exam.

Extra 5 marks for attendance 

Total (100 marks)


THE102-2 - ART OF ACTING LEVEL I (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


To gain an understanding of acting principles and techniques practised globally.

Develop skills in the analysis and interpretation of dramatic texts for performance.


Learning Outcome

CO1: An understanding of practical proficiency in executing the fundamental principles of all schools and styles of acting techniques through ages to perform diverse characters on stage.

CO2: The ability to structure and perform a scene from a play.

Teaching Hours:30
Creating a body language of a character


Observations of animals and humans of different ages create a body language of historical personalities with the help of fine arts, sectors of gestures, energy centres, and study acting styles of the past. 

Teaching Hours:30
Creating a body language of a character


Observations of animals and humans of different ages create a body language of historical personalities with the help of fine arts, sectors of gestures, energy centres, and study acting styles of the past. 

Teaching Hours:30
Working with co-actors

Exercises on improvisation, repetition, coordinating a mise-en-scene, finding a conflict, objectives and super objectives, subtext, and analyzing a script from the actor’s point of view.

Teaching Hours:30
Working with co-actors

Exercises on improvisation, repetition, coordinating a mise-en-scene, finding a conflict, objectives and super objectives, subtext, and analyzing a script from the actor’s point of view.

Text Books And Reference Books:

"An Actor Prepares" by Konstantin Stanislavski

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Sanford Meisner on Acting

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern: 

Conducted internally at the departmental level


CIA II (50 marks) – a performance of an acting style from the past selected by a faculty. 


ESE (50 marks) – a performance of a scene from XX-century plays 


Total (100 marks)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Introduction to Dance is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of dance as an art form. Through theoretical study and practical exploration, students will develop fundamental dance techniques, terminology, and an appreciation for the expressive potential of movement. This course helps the students to improve their skills.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of fundamental dance terminology, positions, and movement principles.

CO2: Students will develop basic dance techniques, including alignment, posture, and spatial awareness.

CO3: Students will explore various dance styles and genres, identifying key characteristics and cultural influences.

CO4: Students will demonstrate creativity and expression through movement improvisation and choreographic exercises.

CO5: Students will recognize the importance of rhythm, musicality, and dynamics in dance performance.

CO6: Students will improve physical fitness, coordination, and flexibility through regular dance practice.

Teaching Hours:10
Foundations of Dance


  • Exploration of different dance styles and genres, including ballet, modern, jazz, hip-hop, and cultural dances.

  • Introduction to basic dance terminology, positions, and movement principles.

  • Focus on body alignment, posture, and balance.

  • Introduction to basic movement patterns and sequences.

Teaching Hours:10
Foundations of Dance


  • Exploration of different dance styles and genres, including ballet, modern, jazz, hip-hop, and cultural dances.

  • Introduction to basic dance terminology, positions, and movement principles.

  • Focus on body alignment, posture, and balance.

  • Introduction to basic movement patterns and sequences.

Teaching Hours:10
Fundamental Techniques


  • Practice of fundamental dance techniques.

  • Development of coordination, flexibility, and strength through dance exercises.

  • Understanding the relationship between music, rhythm, and dance.

  • Exploration of different musical styles and rhythms in dance.

Teaching Hours:10
Fundamental Techniques


  • Practice of fundamental dance techniques.

  • Development of coordination, flexibility, and strength through dance exercises.

  • Understanding the relationship between music, rhythm, and dance.

  • Exploration of different musical styles and rhythms in dance.

Teaching Hours:10
Creative Expression and Choreography


  • Introduction to the choreographic process: composition, structure, and storytelling through movement.

  • Exploration of improvisation techniques and creative movement exercises.

  • Collaborative creation of short dance sequences or phrases.

  • Analysis and discussion of choreographic elements in selected dance works.

Teaching Hours:10
Creative Expression and Choreography


  • Introduction to the choreographic process: composition, structure, and storytelling through movement.

  • Exploration of improvisation techniques and creative movement exercises.

  • Collaborative creation of short dance sequences or phrases.

  • Analysis and discussion of choreographic elements in selected dance works.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Dramatic dance: an actor's approach to dance as a dramatic art / Darren Royston

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Dancefilm choreography and the moving image Erin Brannigan.

Evaluation Pattern

Conducted internally at the departmental level.


CIA II (50 marks) – Individual demonstration of skills with an explanation of the technique


ESE (50 marks)– Showcase of choreographic exercises


Total (100 marks)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Introduction to Vocal Techniques is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of vocal performance and expression. Through a structured curriculum, students will explore various vocal techniques, develop an understanding of vocal anatomy, and cultivate skills for healthy vocal production. The course will focus on breath control, vocal resonance, articulation, and expression, preparing students for further study and performance in vocal music, public speaking, and related disciplines. This course helps the students to improve their skills.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate improved breath control, vocal resonance, and articulation.

CO2: Exhibit increased confidence and stage presence in vocal presentations.

CO3: Apply fundamental vocal techniques to solo and ensemble performance settings.

CO4: Interpret and convey emotion and expression effectively through vocal performance.

CO5: Develop musicianship skills, including sight-singing and ear training.

CO6: Cultivate a healthy vocal technique to prevent vocal strain and injury.

CO7: Engage in constructive self-assessment and reflection on vocal performance.

Teaching Hours:10
Vocal Foundations


  • Introduction to vocal anatomy and physiology.

  • Breathing exercises for support, control, and stamina.

  • Vocal warm-ups and exercises to develop resonance and flexibility.

Teaching Hours:10
Vocal Foundations


  • Introduction to vocal anatomy and physiology.

  • Breathing exercises for support, control, and stamina.

  • Vocal warm-ups and exercises to develop resonance and flexibility.

Teaching Hours:10
Vocal Expression


  • Emotion and expression in vocal performance.

  • Techniques for interpreting and conveying lyrical content.

  • Dynamics, phrasing, and musicality in vocal delivery.

Teaching Hours:10
Vocal Expression


  • Emotion and expression in vocal performance.

  • Techniques for interpreting and conveying lyrical content.

  • Dynamics, phrasing, and musicality in vocal delivery.

Teaching Hours:10
Performance and Application


  • Preparation and rehearsal for solo and ensemble vocal performances.

  • Application of vocal techniques to repertoire from various musical genres.

  • Integration of stage presence and presentation skills into vocal performance.

Teaching Hours:10
Performance and Application


  • Preparation and rehearsal for solo and ensemble vocal performances.

  • Application of vocal techniques to repertoire from various musical genres.

  • Integration of stage presence and presentation skills into vocal performance.

Text Books And Reference Books:


Absolute Beginners Voice: the complete picture guide for beginning vocalists / by Andres Andrade

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

The Cambridge companion to singing/edited by John Potter

Evaluation Pattern

Conducted internally at the departmental level


CIA II (50 marks) – Individual demonstration of skills with an explanation of the technique


ESE (50 marks) – Showcase of a vocal composition 

            Total (100 marks)


FRE181-3 - FRENCH (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Programme Objectives - The curriculum of the French course offered as II language to II BA/BSc/BCom students is designed to suit the present-day requirements where the emphasis is more on the Oral communication. Beginning with day-to-day situations with its dialogues the stress is on the spoken word. The part on French civilization offers one useful insight on life and living in France.

Course Description -French as a second language in the UG program. The method< Adomania> consists of a student's book and an activity book, both included in the digital manual. It consists of 8 units. The structure of each unit begins with basic communication aspects, leading to basic expressions, vocabulary, cultural aspects, functional and practical French stage by stage in each unit. This< manual> covers all the necessary global parameters.

 Course Objectives

·       To develop basic and communication skills sharpen oral and written skills.

·       To enhance knowledge on French culture.

·       To enrich the learner’s vocabulary

·       To enable learners to engage in and discuss simple topics with ease

Learning Outcome

CO1: Enhancement of communicative competencies and sharpening of written and oral communicative skills.

CO2: Basic knowledge of french civilization.

CO3: Enrichment of vocabulary.

CO4: Enhanced ability to engage in conversations and discussions in French with ease.

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Text Books And Reference Books:

Le Robert et Nathan, Conjugaison, English Edition

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

French websites like Bonjour de France, Fluent U French, Learn French Lab, Point du FLE etc.

Evaluation Pattern

      I.         Examination & Assessments – Through written assignments and different tests of linguistic skills

Question Paper Pattern

·       Section A - Test of linguistic ability through grammar components – 10 marks

·       Section B - Test of translating abilities and comprehension, short answers - 20 marks

·       Section C - Test of writing skills / Originality in letter writing, dialogue and essay  – 20 marks

CIA -1 10 marks

CIA- 2  50 marks

CIA –3  10 marks

ESE   50 marks.


Assessment Pattern

CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

CIA 1 – Assignments / Letter writing / Film review



CIA 2 –Mid Sem Exam



CIA 3 – Quiz / Role Play / Theatre / Creative projects 






End Sem Exam







GER181-3 - GERMAN (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course mainly deals with the listening, speaking, writing, reading modules of basic German by using different pedagogies and effective strategies in order to meet the requirements of various situations. This course also enables the students to have cross-cultural competencies and cognitive skills.

 Course Objectives:


·       To achieve language proficiency skills on the basic level

·       To develop the skills demonstrated in the ability to interpret simple texts

·       To attain some transcultural competency: an awareness of cross-cultural differences between societies.

·       To develop the ability to formulate basic questions. 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Listen, understand, and respond to short recordings about everyday life.

CO2: Be familiar with the socio-cultural aspects of the language.

CO3: Remember and apply basic rules of grammar.

CO4: Write simple phrases/ messages/ dialogues/ small paragraphs on every day topics.

CO5: Speak about oneself/ others / the immediate environment / engage in simple conversation.

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Text Books And Reference Books:

Netzwerk neu Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1 Textbook, workbook, glossar and 2cd ‘s by Stefanie dengler, Paul rusch, Helenschmitz, Tanja sieber, klett -Langenscheidt publishers

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Studio d A1 set of three books and CD by Herr Mann Funk, Cornelsen publishers

2.     Deutsch Sprachlehre für Ausländer and Glossar Deutsch-English by Heinz Griesbach-Dora Schulz, Max Hueber publishers

3.     Deutsch für den Beruf text book by adelheid h, Max Hueber publishers

4.     Deutsch für den Beruf work book by adelheid h, Max Hueber publishers

5.     Grammatik intensiv trainer A1 Deutsch – Langenscheidt by Mark lester, larry beason, langenscheid publishers

6.     Fit für Goethe Zetifikat A1 start Deutsch 1 by Johaness Gerbes, Frau ke van der Werff, Hueber publishers


7.     Learn german through games and activities level1 Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch and CD by Sabine Emmerich & Federica Colombo, eli publishers

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 - 10 Marks 

CIA 2 - 25 Marks 

CIA 3 - 10 Marks 

Attendance: 5 Marks 

End Semester: 50 Marks  

HIN181-3 - BASIC HINDI (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This is a thirty hours course. Students will be exposed to the use of Hindi Language both in oral and written forms. During the course, Hindi alphabets, words, simple sentences, general vocabulary and basic grammar will be taught. At the end of the course students will be able to read, write and speak the Language

Learning Outcome

CO1: Improve the spoken skill.

CO2: Acquire reading and writing skill.

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.     Creative writing                                  by: John Singleton

2.     Adhunik Hindi Nibandh                     by: BhuvaneshwarichandranSaksena.

3.     Cambridge introduction to                 by: Morley, Davi

Creative writing

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Creative writing                                  by: John Singleton

2.     Adhunik Hindi Nibandh                     by: BhuvaneshwarichandranSaksena.

3.     Cambridge introduction to                 by: Morley, Davi

Creative writing

Evaluation Pattern

Mid-Semester Examination

Course name- Basic Hindi

Course Code-HIN181-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                              Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





1.     Multiple choice

2.     Change of Gender

3.     Change of Number

4.     Change of Tense

5.     Correct the sentences

10 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

10x1= 10







Vocabulary writing


1 x10= 10



Conversation practice

Descriptive type

1 out of 2 



End-Semester Examination

Course name- Basic Hindi

Course Code-HIN181-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                                          Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





1.     Multiple choice

2.     Change of Gender

3.     Change of Number

4.     Change of Tense

5.     Correct the sentences

10 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

10x1= 10







Vocabulary writing

10 questions

1 x10= 10



Conversation practice

Descriptive type

1 out of 2 



HIN281-3 - HINDI (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The detailed text book “Samkaleen Kavita Sanchay” edited by Dr. Sebastian K.A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond is an anthology of Modern Poems written by representative poets of Hindi Literature. The poems reflect on the social, environmental, cultural and political issues which are prevalent in our society since the medieval period. Cultural art forms of India, ispart of the syllabus. Since translation is a significant area in language and literature, as well as practice of it in the syllabus.

 Students will be exposed to the Indian culture through poetry. Through translation, students can understand different languages, literature and cultures. Famous cultural art forms of India will help the students to know more about the diverse cultures of India.


Paper I - Poetry, Cultural Art forms

Learning Outcome

CO1: Improve the writing skill in literary Hindi

CO2: Improve the analytical skills through critical analysis of the poems

CO3: Will be able to learn the different aspects of Cultural Art forms of India

CO4: To improve the Translation skills.

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi Poems edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela

Cultural art forms of India. 

Teaching Hours:20
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation practice from English to Hindi

Text Books And Reference Books:

Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay’ (Collection of Poems)                                                                         

                               edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond            20 Hrs.

Level of knowledge: Analytical

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. A Hand Book of Translation Studies                      By: Das Bijay Kumar.

2. SaralSubodh Hindi Vyakaran,                                 By: MotilalChaturvedi. Vinod

3. AnuvadEvam Sanchar –                                          Dr.PooranchandTandon, Rajpal and Son’s

4. AnuvadVignan                                                         By:Bholanath Tiwari

5. Anuvad Kala                                                            By: N.E VishwanathIyer



Evaluation Pattern

Mid-Semester Examination

3 Sem – BA/ B.Sc

Course Code-HIN281-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                                          Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





Essay types question


3 questions





Cultural art forms of India

 Descriptive type

1 question




One passage for translation from English to Hindi

1 question

1 x10= 10


End-Semester Examination  

3 Sem – BA/ B.Sc

Course Code-HIN281-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2Hrs                                                                               Max. Marks : 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





Essay types question


3 questions





Cultural art forms of India

Descriptive type

1 question




One passage for translation from English to Hindi

1 question

1 x10= 10


KAN181-3 - FOUNDATION KANNADA (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Foundation  Kannada has been introduced for the Under Graduate Non-Kannada Speakers. These students are trained to converse in Kannada  language for their day-to-day life activities. It helps them to communicate among the group to create intimacy for their daily activity.  It also helps to un derstand the culture and tradition of the region. By the end of the course, students will be able to identify the letters, understanding meaning and speak simple sentences in Kannada language. The department of languages proposed to offer Functional Kannada (Conversational Kannada) along  with two credits and  thirty hours of class room teaching for the UG Programme from this academic year 2024-25.

 To enable students to communicate in the regional language Kannada.

• Helps the students to  converse in Kannada language particularly those have come from other states.

• The course mainly focuses on Conversation and writing skills.



Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify and understand the alphabets and vocabulary

CO2: Develop their communication skills

CO3: Improve their writing skills for various domains.

CO4: Understand the rich culture and heritage of Karnataka.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Text Books And Reference Books:

1.      Muddu Kannada: R. L. Anantharamiah

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.      Tili Kannada- K.S. Madhusudana & H.N. Muralidhara 

Evaluation Pattern

Class Test 

Oral test


KAN281-3 - KANNADA (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Kannada is offered to students of  III Semester BA/B.Sc. Courses, as a second language for fifty marks. The students of this semester will study a Play belong to  modern fictions and non fictions.  The syllabus will help  them to learn and write essay writings.  The Syllabus is well structured with local, national and global needs of the students, imbibes human values, proffessional ethics, sustainability and  various language skills. 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Expose learners to the modern writings.

CO2: Able to understand the literary genre

CO3: Able to develop their critical and analytical thinking

CO4: Enable them in creative writings.

CO5: Able to write essay writings

Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:15
Selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:20
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

1.      Essay Writing

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.   1.   Kannada Sanna Kathegala Olavu- Giraddi Govindaraj

2.   2.   Adhunika Kannada Nataka- K. Marulasiddappa

    3.Samagra Kannada Sahitya Charithre

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Doni saagali Munde Hogali- Kuvempu 

2. Ooru Keeri- Siddalingaiah

Evaluation Pattern

Writtren Test 

Wikipedia article creation

KOR281-3 - KOREAN (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: Basic Korean Level 1 is for Non-Native speakers to learn basic Korean language and to develop their knowledge as well as their communicative skills so as to be able to respond in simple every day contexts.

Course Objective: ▪ Module I presents 5 lessons on the Korean writing system. ▪ Module II provides 4 lessons, each containing two conversation tasks, vocabulary and expressions, grammar and speaking, tasks and practices, ▪ Korean culture is introduced.

Learning Outcome

CO1-5: Course outcomes: The purpose of any language is to equip the learner with the four essential skills i.e., LSRW. In keeping with the same, the course outcomes in the second year, Basic Korean Language course have been formulated as follows. At the end of basic level 1 , the student would be able to - - listen, understand and respond to short recordings about everyday life. - be familiar with the socio-cultural aspects of the language. - remember and apply basic rules of grammar. - write simple phrases/ messages/ dialogues/ small paragraphs on every day topics. - speak about oneself/ others / the immediate environment / engage in simple conversation.

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Text Books And Reference Books:

Textbook: Sogang Korean 1A (Student’s book), Sogang Korean 1A (Workbook)

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Reference books: 1. Grammar and vocabulary supplementary book 2. Korean Culture 77.

Evaluation Pattern

Question Paper Pattern ▪ Section A - Test of linguistic ability through grammar components – 10 marks

                                  ▪ Section B - Test of translating abilities and comprehension, short answers – 20 marks

                                  ▪ Section C - Test of writing skills / Dialogue and Essay writing – 20 mark


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Cognitive Processes are the most basic aspects in the attempt to understand the psychology of individuals. This course will help students to understand the structure and functioning of senses; the principles of perception, and how perception helps an individual to understand their world; principles, and theories of memory and attention. Through classroom discussions and research discussions, the student will also be able to apply this knowledge in their daily lives to improve their own functioning, as well as apply it to evaluate various real-world issues such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, design thinking and so on. The experimental psychology laboratory practicum taken alongside the course during the semester will help students understand various psychophysical experiments and connect the theoretical underpinnings of such tests to concepts learned in this course.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Describe basic concepts, historical trends, scope, debates, and methods in cognitive psychology.

CO2: Explain different components of cognition, including sensation, perception, attention, consciousness, memory, and language, and their underlying process and theories.

CO3: Evaluate the relevance of higher cognitive processes, including problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making and creativity, in determining people's behaviour

CO4: Apply cognitive psychology principles to explain how people evaluate, make decisions, and act in various situations and contexts

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Cognitive Processes

Introduction to Cognition - Historical Perspectives - Basic Theoretical Frameworks - Sensation vs. Perception - Gestalt Principles;

Emergence of Modern Cognition: Information Processing approach - Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence (AI);

Mind, Brain, and Behaviour: Cognitive Science – Computer Metaphor of the Mind – Cognitive Neuroscience

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:16
Perception, Memory, Language and Thinking;

Attention: Selective and Divided Attention - Models of Attention - Perception: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Perception - Memory: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory - Models of Memory, Language and Thinking: Language Comprehension and Production - Language Development - Psycholinguistics: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics – Types of Thinking: Deductive, Inductive, Design-Thinking - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Application to mental health

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:14
Understanding the Problem

Methods, Situated Cognition, Embodied Cognition, and Problem Solving;

Problem Solving Strategies: The Analogy approach, The Means –Ends Heuristic, The Hill – climbing Heuristic; Factors that Influence Problem Solving: Expertise, Knowledge Base, Memory, Problem-Solving Strategies, Speed and Accuracy, Metacognitive Skills, Mental Set, Functional Fixedness; Creativity: Nature – Motivation and Creativity

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Teaching Hours:15
Reasoning and Decision Making; Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning, Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning, Belief-Bias Effect, Confirmation Bias; Decision Making: Representativeness Heuristic - Availability Heuristic - Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Application of Decision Making: Framing effect – Hindsight Bias - Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being

Text Books And Reference Books:

1) E. Bruce Goldstein. (n.d.). Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience, 5E (5th ed.). Wadsworth

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1) Eysenck, Michael W. "Principles of Cognitive Psychology." Routledge.

2) Farmer, T. A., & Matlin, M. W. (2019). Cognition. John Wiley & Sons.

3) Sternberg, Robert J. and Sternberg, Karin. "Cognitive Psychology." Cengage Learning.

4) Annual Review of Psychology. Annual Reviews

5) Davidson, Janet E. and Sternberg, Robert J. "The Psychology of Problem Solving." Cambridge University Press.

6) Kahneman, Daniel. "Thinking, Fast and Slow." Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

7) Kahneman, Daniel, Slovic, Paul, and Tversky, Amos (Eds.). "Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases." Cambridge University Press.

Evaluation Pattern
CIAs - 45 marks
CIA 1 - 10 marks (Individual Assignments)
CIA 2 (MSE) - 25 marks (mid-semester exam- case study-based questions)
CIA 3 - 10 Marks (Individual Assignments)
Attendance - 5 marks (As per the University Policy)
End Semester Examination - 50 marks
End Semester Pattern- 2 hrs- 50 Marks
Section A (Very short Answer). 2 Marks X 5Qs= 10 Marks
Section B (Short answers). 5 Marks X 2Qs= 10 Marks
Section C (Essay questions). 10 Marks X 2Qs= 20 Marks
Section D (Case study). 10 Marks x 1Q= 10 Marks
Total - CIA + Attendance + ESE = 45 + 5 + 50 = 100 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The coursework aims to provide undergraduate psychology students with the knowledge and hands-on practice of experimental psychology. The course imparts training in classic and contemporary experiments from the domains of sensation and perception and other cognitive processes. The course introduces students to traditional psychophysical experiments and contemporary computer-assisted experiments. In the process, they will be provided with an understanding of central concepts, such as ethics, lab protocols and major elements of a psychological experiment, including variables and hypothesis. The course adopts a problem-based learning approach where students will get an opportunity to conduct a computer-assisted experiment to explain a given psychophysical phenomenon. Due attention is given to issues of identifying and selecting experiments, conducting experiment processes in an ethical manner and writing APA-style reports. The course has two components of lecture and laboratory work. The lecture classes will consist of a mixture of lectures and group discussions. Lectures are designed to clarify and deepen understanding of experimental methods and descriptive statistics. The laboratory sections will be a space to practice conducting psychological experiments and to begin learning some basics of data analysis.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Define basic principles and techniques in experimental psychology.

CO2: Analyze experimental data with the knowledge of basic statistical techniques and software packages like SPSS, MS-Excel or JAMOVI.

CO3: Conduct and report psychological experiments following ethical protocols and APA guidelines.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Basic statistics and experimental methods

Experimental methods and designs include variables, hypotheses, testing, ethical issues, principles of experimental design, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of experimental methodology in different research contexts. Understand the meaning of descriptive statistical concepts (e.g., population, sample, measures of central tendency, variance, representation using graphs, pie charts and histogram) and statistical inference (e.g., significance, significance level, within- and between-subject comparisons, t-test), and be able to discuss and implement statistical analysis of simple experimental data using Excel or JAMOVI.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Teaching Hours:30
Experiments and assessments

Introduction to Psychology Laboratory and Experiments- Introduction to the ethical standards and lab protocols. Two experiments each from the major domains mentioned below in a total of six- eight experiments, of which at least two should be computer-assisted tests

a. Sensation and Perception,

b. attention, and memory

c. Problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and cognitive errors or biases

APA style report writing and formatting for Lab reports- students will be able to discuss their own as well as other students' experimental lab reports from a statistical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical perspective.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Kaur, H (2012).Experimental Psychology. Phi Learning Private Ltd.

Myers, A., & Hansen, C. (2006).Experimental psychology. Thomson Wadsworth.

Cohen, R. J. & Swerdlik,M. E. (2013).Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction to Tests and Measurement (Eighth Edition).

McGraw-Hill. Gravetter, F.J. &Wallnau, L.B.(2009).Statisti cs for the Behavioral Sciences (9th Ed.). Cengage Learning.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Experimental psychology with advanced experiments, Vol 1 & 2, Concept Publishing Company.

Woodworth, R S; Schlosberg, H (1971).Experimental Psychology, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company, Private Limited.

Baron, J. (2000). Thinking and Decision Making.Cambridge University.

Martin, D. W. (2008). Doing psychology experiments. Thomson-Wad sworth.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1: Lab Report (25 marks) + Class engagement and Supervisor Feedback (5 marks) - 30 marks

CIA 2: Mini Project - 20 marks

CIA 3: Department Level Exam- Viva/demonstration, written exam - 50 Marks

TOTAL = 30+20+50 = 100 marks

SAN181-3 - BASIC SANSKRIT (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Sanskrit is the ancient language of India. Foundational Sanskrit has been introduced to the undergraduate students.   This course helps the student to read, write, understand, and converse in Sanskrit. The focus would be on understanding the Sanskrit texts rather than just learning the grammar or the vocabulary.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify and understand the alphabet and vocabulary

CO2: Develop their communication skills

CO3: Improve their reading and writing skills.

Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Sanskrit Vocabulary Builder-Book Paperback – 1 by Vyoma Linguistic Labs Foundation 

2. Sanskrit Grammar and Reference Book Paperback – 1 by Prof. Ratnakar Narale

3.A Sanskrit Reader: Text and Vocabulary and Notes Hardcover by Charles Rockwell Lanman 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit Hardcover – by A. M. Ruppel  

2. Sabdarupasangrahah Paperback – Sanskrit Edition  by Vyoma Linguistic Labs 


Evaluation Pattern

The evaluation and assessment will be based on Continuous Internal Assessment and an end Semester Examination.

1.      Objective type of exam and oral examination as CIA and end exam

2.      85% of attendance.

3.      The final credits will be weighted average of 2 CIA and ESE


SAN281-3 - SANSKRIT (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Specify the classification and characteristics of selected portions of Literature

CO2: Understand in detail with application shlokas

CO3: Learn in-depth selected portions of the texts

CO4: Deliberate the characteristics of selected portions of literature.

CO5: Write in detail with examples.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
Poetry: Meghadootham 1 canto,

The word Meghaduta is a Sanskrit word. It can be split into two parts i.e., “Megha” translating to “cloud” and “duth” meaning “messenger”. The poem proceeds to be a textbook case where all the five main schools of poetic analysis can be applied and the five features generally expected in good literature appear in equal measures and perfect balance. Most poems have an abundance of one feature and the others in a supporting role, Meghaduta uses all the features in the best possible manner.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:12
? Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma

The Panchatantra is a book of Niti, the wise conduct of life, written in the form of a chain of simple stories. Each of these stories has a moral and philosophical theme aiming to guide the reader on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Text Books And Reference Books:

1)      Meghadhootham of Kalidasa. Edited by Dr. Ashok Kaushik 

2)      Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma. Edited by Dr.Naveen Kumar Jha and Dr.Anjan

3) Sanskrit Grammar Kannada version by Dr. Satish Hegde. 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1)      Meghadhootham of Kalidasa. Edited by Dr. Kusumaagraja

2)      Meghadhootham of Kalidasa. Edited by Dr. Ratnakar Narale

3)      Panchatantra of Vishnu Sharma. Edited by Dr. Shubha Vilas.

4)      Sanskrit Grammar Translation from English to Sanskrit by M.R. Kale

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 Wikipedia   article creation 

CIA 2  Midsemester examination 

CIA 3 Wikipedia article creation 

End semester examination 

SPA181-3 - SPANISH (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


“Aula International 1” A1/A2 . Is designed to develop listening,

speaking, writing, and reading skills in Spanish as well as cultural competency in the

Hispanic world. This course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of Spanish. 

This method leads easy way to communicate and to carry out tasks in Spanish.

Course Objectives: “Aula International 1” A1/A2’. General objective are more specific to

define the linguistic knowledge with the help of which the learners will implement various

skills such as to understand, to speak, to interact and to write.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Student will be able to talk casually about topics of current public and personal events.

CO2: Students in the Spanish program develop in-depth content knowledge about Hispanic cultures.

CO3: Student will be able to understand most speech on familiar topics Student can read and understand written texts in areas of the their special interest.

CO4: Student will able to recognize the value of Spanish language learning and Hispanidad cultures through participation in a variety of activities.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Text Books And Reference Books:

Textbook : ‘Aula Internacional 1’

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading:

1. Rosetta Stone, Babbel, Rocket Languages, Pimsleur, Brainscape, Busuu, Duolingo.


Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 - 10 Marks 

CIA 2 - 25 Marks 

CIA 3 - 10 Marks 

Attendance : 5 Marks 

End Semester : 50 Marks

TAM281-3 - TAMIL (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Tamil is available as a second language for second-year BA/BSc/B. Com/H/ BBA
students. Various Programmes such as Guest lectures, Translation workshops, Tamil
Theatre performances, (Intra-class literary competitions), Student poets meet, Bhasha Utsav,
Role play, Certificate programme, Paper presentations, and so on are offered by the
Department of Languages. The department focuses on improving students&#39; critical,
analytical, and communicative skills. The program&#39;s association with academic bodies and
literary and cultural organization’s adds value and provides a contemporary approach to
teaching, learning, and study in Tamil.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand and Appreciate the Tamil language & patriotism

CO2: Gain knowledge of the king sacrifies his life towards Tamil litreture. Understand about nature of the king Nandhivarman.

CO3: Gain the knowledge about how to write an essay on General topics.

CO4: Use digital tools and resources to enhance Tamil language learning, including online dictionaries, language learning apps, and multimedia resources.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6
1.Bharathidasan kavithaigal.

1.Tamilin enimai
3.Ulaga ottrumai
4.Tholilaalar vinnappam.
5.Maanida sakthi.
6.Saintha Tharasu.
7.putthaga Saalai.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:6

1.Vetri murasa chirappau.
2.Nandhi mannanin kodai chirappu.
3. Nandhi mannanin veera chirappu.
4.Thalaivi kuttru.
5.Thalaivan than nenchodu kelatthal.
6.Tholi kuttru.
7.Paattudai thalivan perumai kural.
8.Thalaivi venir paruvam kandu varunthudal.

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:10
Payana Ilakkiyam -(Travelogue) 10 hours ULAGAM SUTRUM TAMILAN- By A.K.Settiar,NCBH,Chennai.

1.Ulagamengum olikkum peyar.
2. Kavinnar Nokucchi.
3.Havaai Thivugal.
5.Sivappu Indiar.

6.Ayarlathil moontru naal.
7.Ulagil azhagiya parris

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:4

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Teaching Hours:3
Language Skill-

General essay writing

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Bharathidasan kivithaigal –As mentioned in the syllabus. NCBH ,Chennai.
2. Tamizh Illakkiya varalaru-
Thamizh pulavar varalaru Noorrandu murai
Published with financial assistance from the ministry of culture, Government of India.
M. Arunachalam, Gandhi vidyalayam, Tiruchitrambalam
Mayuram- Tanjavur District
3. Nandhikkalambagam—by kazhagam publisher , Chennai .

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Tholgappiyam-. Porul Adhigaram- by Tholgappiyar
2. Vanigath Tamil-Published by kaavya publication,kodambakkam,Chennai-
3. History of Tamil Literature Through the centuries XXII Century
M. Arunachalam, Gandhi vidyalayam, Tiruchirambalam, Mayuram-Thanjavur District.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 Class test

CIA  2 Mid semester Examination

CIA 3  class test

End  semester examination

THE201A-3 - STAGE PERFORMANCE I (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Stage Performance is a comprehensive course designed to develop students' skills in live theatrical productions. With the guidance of a faculty through rehearsals and critical analysis, students will explore the principles of acting, directing, character development, and stagecraft necessary for effective stage presence. Stage performance is an essential practice in theatre globally. It helps students to understand their future career paths and try different roles in theatre production, which could be entrepreneurship in art.

Learning Outcome

CO1: To develop an understanding of acting techniques and methodologies.

CO2: To explore the process of character development and embodiment.

CO3: To cultivate vocal and physical expressiveness for the stage.

CO4: To analyse and interpret dramatic texts effectively.

CO5: To understand the dynamics of ensemble performance and collaboration.

CO6: To explore the relationship between actor and audience.

CO7: To gain practical experience in acting and directing.

Teaching Hours:20
Script Analysis and Character Study


  • Understanding the nuances of the script, including themes, conflicts, and character relationships.

  • Conducting character analysis: exploring motivations, objectives, and obstacles.

  • Developing character backstory and understanding the character's journey throughout the play. 

  • Finding voice and body language to enhance character authenticity and presence on stage.

Teaching Hours:20
Script Analysis and Character Study


  • Understanding the nuances of the script, including themes, conflicts, and character relationships.

  • Conducting character analysis: exploring motivations, objectives, and obstacles.

  • Developing character backstory and understanding the character's journey throughout the play. 

  • Finding voice and body language to enhance character authenticity and presence on stage.

Teaching Hours:40
Scene Work and Character Interaction


  • Rehearsing scenes: applying script analysis and character study to develop authentic interactions.

  • Exploring relationships: understanding how characters’ influence and respond to each other.

  • Experimenting with different approaches to scene interpretation and character dynamics.

Teaching Hours:40
Scene Work and Character Interaction


  • Rehearsing scenes: applying script analysis and character study to develop authentic interactions.

  • Exploring relationships: understanding how characters’ influence and respond to each other.

  • Experimenting with different approaches to scene interpretation and character dynamics.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Acting On Stage and Off by Barton, Robert.
  2. Acting One, 5th edition by Robert Cohen
  3. Individual audition and performance scripts as assigned by instructor
  4. Twentieth Century Actor Training, edited by Alison Hodge, Routledge, 2000.




Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. An actor prepares by Constantine Stanislavsky, New Delhi: Research Press, 2006.

  2. Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays by David Ball

  3. Improvisation for the Theatre by Viola Spolin, Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University press, 1963

  4. Play Directing: Analysis, Communication, and Style by Francis Hodge, Prentice Hall.
Evaluation Pattern

Conducted internally at the departmental level

The assessment will focus on the actor's ability to embody the character and deliver authentic and engaging performances. Actors, along with assistant directors, will be assessed how effectively they collaborate with fellow actors and technical crew members. 


CIA II (50 marks) – presentation along with demonstration of the characters and the chosen play


ESE (50 marks) – practical exam where the students demonstrate their skills 


Total (100 marks)

THE201B-3 - STAGE PRODUCTION I (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The Stage Production Course is a comprehensive training programme that thoroughly explains the process of producing a stage play or performance. The course covers various aspects of stage production, from the initial planning stages to the final execution of the production. 

In the course, learners will learn about the different elements of stage production, such as set design, lighting, sound, costumes, and directing. They will also gain practical skills in project management, budgeting, and team coordination. 

They can work on real-world projects and collaborate with other students to create a successful stage production. 

By the end of the course, learners will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the stage production process and have the practical skills and knowledge necessary to produce a successful stage play or performance. The unit divisions are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of stage production, from creative competencies to technical skills and business management. Stage production is essential practice in theatre globally. Helps students to understand their future career path trying different roles in theatre production which could be entrepreneurship in art.

Focus on helping learners learn all the different aspects involved in performing, from designing the set and lighting to creating the sound effects and music. 

Additionally, the course may help learners develop their acting and directing skills and provide valuable opportunities to work with others on actual productions.

Prepares learners with broad skills and knowledge that can be applied in various contexts within the entertainment industry and beyond.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Able to gain a comprehensive understanding of theatre production and design, develop skills in acting, directing, script analysis, and technical skills, and learn how to work collaboratively with others in a creative setting.

CO2: Able to gain practical experience in all aspects of stage production, including lighting, sound, set design and costume makeup, and learning how to manage and promote a production.

CO3: Through practical experience, theoretical knowledge, and creative exploration, learners are prepared to pursue careers in theatre or related fields or to simply develop a deep appreciation for the art form.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Stage Production


This unit provides an overview of the various technical elements involved in stage production, such as lighting, sound, and set design. Learners learn about the different roles and responsibilities of the production team, as well as the various stages of production, from pre-production to post-production.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Stage Production


This unit provides an overview of the various technical elements involved in stage production, such as lighting, sound, and set design. Learners learn about the different roles and responsibilities of the production team, as well as the various stages of production, from pre-production to post-production.

Teaching Hours:10
Script Analysis


This unit gives learners the skills to analyse scripts and understand the underlying themes and messages. Learners learn how to identify the structure of a script, analyse characters and themes, and develop a directorial concept.

Teaching Hours:10
Script Analysis


This unit gives learners the skills to analyse scripts and understand the underlying themes and messages. Learners learn how to identify the structure of a script, analyse characters and themes, and develop a directorial concept.

Teaching Hours:10
Set Design

This unit covers the basics of set design, including creating a visually interesting and appropriate set for production. Learners learn about the different elements of set design, such as colour, texture, and shape, and how to create a safe and functional set

Teaching Hours:10
Set Design

This unit covers the basics of set design, including creating a visually interesting and appropriate set for production. Learners learn about the different elements of set design, such as colour, texture, and shape, and how to create a safe and functional set

Teaching Hours:10
Costumes& Make-up


The unit comprises the fundamental principles of Costume design and Makeup, particularly in creating visually engaging production costumes. The curriculum imparts knowledge on various elements of costume design, such as line, colour, texture, shape, and fabrics. It also covers the creation of straight, character, and special effects Makeup. Through this unit, learners will understand how to effectively create costumes and makeup that convey the intended message of the production.

Teaching Hours:10
Costumes& Make-up


The unit comprises the fundamental principles of Costume design and Makeup, particularly in creating visually engaging production costumes. The curriculum imparts knowledge on various elements of costume design, such as line, colour, texture, shape, and fabrics. It also covers the creation of straight, character, and special effects Makeup. Through this unit, learners will understand how to effectively create costumes and makeup that convey the intended message of the production.

Teaching Hours:10
Lighting and Sound


This unit covers the technical aspects of lighting and sound design, including creating different moods and atmospheres using lighting and sound effects. Learners learn how to create lighting cues, operate a soundboard, and design sound effects that enhance the production. 

Teaching Hours:10
Lighting and Sound


This unit covers the technical aspects of lighting and sound design, including creating different moods and atmospheres using lighting and sound effects. Learners learn how to create lighting cues, operate a soundboard, and design sound effects that enhance the production. 

Teaching Hours:10
Production Management


This unit covers the business aspects of stage production, including marketing, budgeting, and fundraising. Learners learn how to manage a production from start to finish, including promoting the production, managing finances, and working with other production team members.

Teaching Hours:10
Production Management


This unit covers the business aspects of stage production, including marketing, budgeting, and fundraising. Learners learn how to manage a production from start to finish, including promoting the production, managing finances, and working with other production team members.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Designing Graphic Props for Filmmaking Paperback by Annie Atkins

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Introduction to the art of stage management : a practical guide to working in the theatre and beyond / Michael Vitale

Evaluation Pattern


The Stage production course consists of various assessments to evaluate learners' progress and understanding of the course material. The assessments are designed to be comprehensive and reflect the skills and knowledge required to succeed in Stage production. 

The marks in the course will be divided among various assessments, including visual research, working models and practical project evaluations. The weightage of each assessment may vary depending on the specific module or topic being covered.

Assignments may be weighted more heavily at the beginning of the course to assess your understanding of foundational skills. In contrast, tests and practical evaluations may be weighted more heavily towards the end of the course to evaluate your ability to apply your knowledge to real-world situations.

A range of projects include designing lighting and sound for a play, creating a set design for a play, coordinating stage production for a theatre show, designing costumes and makeup, and incorporating multimedia into a stage performance. 


Evaluation Pattern: 

Conducted internally at the departmental level

CIA I (20Marks) – presentation of the sketches and plan to execute the director's vision

CIA II (50 Marks) – demonstrating the work in progress explaining the functionality of crafted pieces

CIA III (20 Marks) – demonstration of complete crafted pieces

ESE (50 Marks) – use of crafted pieces in the performance along with backstage work

Extra 5 marks for attendance 

Total (100 marks)


THE261-3 - DANCE AND VOCAL (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Dance course builds upon the foundational knowledge and skills acquired in the introductory course, delving deeper into the intricacies of dance as an art form. This course is designed to challenge students to expand their technical proficiency, artistic expression, and cultural awareness through a series of progressive exercises, choreographic explorations, and performance opportunities. 

The vocal part of the course is divided into Solo and Ensemble Units. The former unit concentrates on developing individual, duet and trio techniques, switching back and forth between small group and individual vocal contexts. The latter unit focuses on general mentalities and nonverbal communication skills that contribute to successful choral performances. Ability to sing and dance increase chances of a student to get employed in the country and abroad.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Translate the musical notation, language and nomenclature of each piece being performed into English.

CO2: Determine appropriate practice techniques to solve musical problems within the performance of repertoire.

CO3: Develop an appropriate practice regime to suit individual performance requirements.

CO4: Describe, understand and be able to apply the basic principles of AESTHETICS of ACADEMIC SINGING.

CO5: Describe the structure and meaning of the main elements of the vocal tract.

CO6: Be able to consciously manage these elements.

CO7: Describe the meaning of resonances in academic singing.

CO8: Describe their physical location and consciously include various vocal resonances in the work.

CO9: Describe the fundamentals of psychological and physical preparation for the stage performance.

CO10: Demonstrate advanced proficiency in executing a variety of dance techniques and movement sequences.

CO11: Display enhanced control, fluidity, and precision in movement execution and transitions.

CO12: Interpret complex rhythmic patterns and musicality with accuracy and expression.

CO13: Create cohesive and expressive choreographic compositions using intermediate-level concepts and structures.

Teaching Hours:10
Intermediate Movement Exploration


  • Review and refinement of fundamental dance techniques learned in the introductory course.

  • Exploration of more advanced movement patterns, combinations, and sequences.

  • Emphasis on fluidity, control, and precision in movement execution.

  • Introduction to more complex rhythmic patterns and musicality in dance.

Teaching Hours:10
Intermediate Movement Exploration


  • Review and refinement of fundamental dance techniques learned in the introductory course.

  • Exploration of more advanced movement patterns, combinations, and sequences.

  • Emphasis on fluidity, control, and precision in movement execution.

  • Introduction to more complex rhythmic patterns and musicality in dance.

Teaching Hours:10
Intermediate Choreography and Performance


  • Intermediate-level choreographic concepts and structures: motif development, phrasing, and thematic exploration.

  • Application of choreographic tools and devices to create cohesive and expressive dance compositions.

  • Rehearsal and refinement of choreographic works developed by students or assigned by the instructor.

  • Exploration of performance dynamics, character development, and storytelling through movement.

Teaching Hours:10
Intermediate Choreography and Performance


  • Intermediate-level choreographic concepts and structures: motif development, phrasing, and thematic exploration.

  • Application of choreographic tools and devices to create cohesive and expressive dance compositions.

  • Rehearsal and refinement of choreographic works developed by students or assigned by the instructor.

  • Exploration of performance dynamics, character development, and storytelling through movement.

Teaching Hours:10
Dance Styles and Cultural Diversity


  • Study of choreographic works and dance traditions from diverse cultural backgrounds and regions.

  • Examination of the cultural, historical, and social contexts of selected dance forms.

  • Incorporation of stylistic elements and movement vocabulary from different dance styles into choreographic exploration.

Teaching Hours:10
Dance Styles and Cultural Diversity


  • Study of choreographic works and dance traditions from diverse cultural backgrounds and regions.

  • Examination of the cultural, historical, and social contexts of selected dance forms.

  • Incorporation of stylistic elements and movement vocabulary from different dance styles into choreographic exploration.

Teaching Hours:15


1. Introduction to the Western classical singing technique. Principles.


2. Students are divided into groups (5-7 students) according to the type of voice and the level of voice control.

Post-synchronous Session Task:

Exercises for the Formation and Development of the Voice. 

Articulatory Gymnastics.

1. The ability to form an equal volume (size) of singing vowels minimises vowel differences inherent in speech.

2. The ability to keep the vocal size of vowels during exercises.

Performance of 5 main vowel sounds in 3 modes of larynx operation: Shtro bass (Vocal fry), Chest and Falsetto modes.

3. Performance of 5 main vowel sounds in 3 modes of larynx operation: Shtro bass (Vocal fry), Chest and Falsetto modes.

  1. Introduction to the "RULES OF SINGING.


A necessary and sufficient minimum. 2. Demonstration of the rules and their practical application during the performing exercises.

Post-synchronous Session Task

1. Learning and singing of vocalises with different vowels.


The ability to use GLISSANDO -a sliding connection of tones, the absence of "sigh” (consonant “H-

aspirated”) between the attached vowels.

Principle of “STABLE" VOWEL - the immutability of the vowels in relation to the phonetic

form, dynamics, tone strength and characteristics of the singing vibrato during

the duration of the tone

Post-synchronous Task:

1. Learning and singing of vocalises with different vowels.

2. Application and implementation of the principle of “STABLE" VOWEL in the studied vocalises.

The ability to apply the rule of "STABLE" VOWEL in the proposed vocalises.

1. Continuation of work on the principles of AESTHETICS of ACADEMIC SINGING.

2. Principle of “STABLE" VOWEL - the immutability of the vowels in relation to the phonetic

form, dynamics, tone strength and characteristics of the singing vibrato during

the duration of the tone

Post-synchronous Task:

1. Learning and singing of vocalises with different vowels.

2. Application and implementation of the principle of “STABLE" VOWEL in the studied vocalises.

The ability to apply the rule of "STABLE" VOWEL in the proposed vocalises.

1.  The principle of vocal resonances and their place in the body.

2. Chest, and head resonances.

Post-synchronous Task:

The study of exercises that develop the sensation and conscious control of vocal (voice) resonators in the singer's vocal apparatus.

With the help of special exercises, be able to identify and consciously include various vocal resonances in the work.

1.  Continuation of work on the principle of vocal resonances and their place in the body. 

2. Application of the previously studied technique in singing vocalizes.

Post-synchronous Task:

Studying and singing vocalize with different special techniques that help to consciously engage different resonances.

With the help of special exercises, be able to identify and consciously include various vocal resonances in the work.

The principle of 


Post-synchronous Task:

Studying and singing vocalize with the implementation of the "ACTIVE" PAUSE principle.

Be able to set the maximum volume and shape of a vowel before phonation (singing) starts.

Articulation in Singing. 

The main differences between spoken articulation.

Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of previously studied vocalises.

Be able to control the equivalent volume of vowels during the singing.

Articulation in Singing. 

The principle of "Open Syllable" in singing.

Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of new studied "Open Syllable" principle.

Be able to transfer and addition of the last consonant in a syllable to the subsequent vowel during the singing.

Articulation in Singing. 

Continuation of work on the principle of "Open Syllable" in singing.

Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the "Open Syllable" principal

1. Be able to transfer and addition of the last consonant in a syllable to the subsequent vowel during the singing.

2. Connecting syllables using glissando

Articulation in Singing. 


Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the MASKING ARTICULATION OF VOWELS.

Be able to reduce articulatory movements to the necessary minimum and sufficient for vowel recognition.

Articulation in Singing. 

Continuation of work on the


Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the MASKING ARTICULATION OF VOWELS.

Be able to reduce articulatory movements to the necessary minimum and sufficient for vowel recognition.

Articulation in Singing. 

Continuation of work on the


Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the PRECISE AND ACTIVE PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS

Be able to pronounce voiced and sonorous consonants at the pitch of the subsequent vowel or the previous vowel at the end of the phrase.  Or at the pitch of the vowel sound at the end of the phrase.

Articulation in Singing. 


Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the PRECISE AND ACTIVE PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS

Be able to pronounce voiced and sonorous consonants at the pitch of the subsequent vowel or the previous vowel at the end of the phrase.  Or at the pitch of the vowel sound at the end of the phrase.

Preparation for a Stage performance on the vocal exam.

1. Fundamentals of psychological and physical preparation for the performance.

2. Dress code for stage performance.       3. Stage behaviour.

Post-synchronous Task:

Engage in groups in large auditoriums, where one part of the students perform the function of a spectator and the other performers on stage. Invite students and teachers from other departments and faculties to these classes.

Performance of previously studied vocal works without loss of performance quality with a large crowd of audience.

Teaching Hours:15


1. Introduction to the Western classical singing technique. Principles.


2. Students are divided into groups (5-7 students) according to the type of voice and the level of voice control.

Post-synchronous Session Task:

Exercises for the Formation and Development of the Voice. 

Articulatory Gymnastics.

1. The ability to form an equal volume (size) of singing vowels minimises vowel differences inherent in speech.

2. The ability to keep the vocal size of vowels during exercises.

Performance of 5 main vowel sounds in 3 modes of larynx operation: Shtro bass (Vocal fry), Chest and Falsetto modes.

3. Performance of 5 main vowel sounds in 3 modes of larynx operation: Shtro bass (Vocal fry), Chest and Falsetto modes.

  1. Introduction to the "RULES OF SINGING.


A necessary and sufficient minimum. 2. Demonstration of the rules and their practical application during the performing exercises.

Post-synchronous Session Task

1. Learning and singing of vocalises with different vowels.


The ability to use GLISSANDO -a sliding connection of tones, the absence of "sigh” (consonant “H-

aspirated”) between the attached vowels.

Principle of “STABLE" VOWEL - the immutability of the vowels in relation to the phonetic

form, dynamics, tone strength and characteristics of the singing vibrato during

the duration of the tone

Post-synchronous Task:

1. Learning and singing of vocalises with different vowels.

2. Application and implementation of the principle of “STABLE" VOWEL in the studied vocalises.

The ability to apply the rule of "STABLE" VOWEL in the proposed vocalises.

1. Continuation of work on the principles of AESTHETICS of ACADEMIC SINGING.

2. Principle of “STABLE" VOWEL - the immutability of the vowels in relation to the phonetic

form, dynamics, tone strength and characteristics of the singing vibrato during

the duration of the tone

Post-synchronous Task:

1. Learning and singing of vocalises with different vowels.

2. Application and implementation of the principle of “STABLE" VOWEL in the studied vocalises.

The ability to apply the rule of "STABLE" VOWEL in the proposed vocalises.

1.  The principle of vocal resonances and their place in the body.

2. Chest, and head resonances.

Post-synchronous Task:

The study of exercises that develop the sensation and conscious control of vocal (voice) resonators in the singer's vocal apparatus.

With the help of special exercises, be able to identify and consciously include various vocal resonances in the work.

1.  Continuation of work on the principle of vocal resonances and their place in the body. 

2. Application of the previously studied technique in singing vocalizes.

Post-synchronous Task:

Studying and singing vocalize with different special techniques that help to consciously engage different resonances.

With the help of special exercises, be able to identify and consciously include various vocal resonances in the work.

The principle of 


Post-synchronous Task:

Studying and singing vocalize with the implementation of the "ACTIVE" PAUSE principle.

Be able to set the maximum volume and shape of a vowel before phonation (singing) starts.

Articulation in Singing. 

The main differences between spoken articulation.

Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of previously studied vocalises.

Be able to control the equivalent volume of vowels during the singing.

Articulation in Singing. 

The principle of "Open Syllable" in singing.

Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of new studied "Open Syllable" principle.

Be able to transfer and addition of the last consonant in a syllable to the subsequent vowel during the singing.

Articulation in Singing. 

Continuation of work on the principle of "Open Syllable" in singing.

Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the "Open Syllable" principal

1. Be able to transfer and addition of the last consonant in a syllable to the subsequent vowel during the singing.

2. Connecting syllables using glissando

Articulation in Singing. 


Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the MASKING ARTICULATION OF VOWELS.

Be able to reduce articulatory movements to the necessary minimum and sufficient for vowel recognition.

Articulation in Singing. 

Continuation of work on the


Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the MASKING ARTICULATION OF VOWELS.

Be able to reduce articulatory movements to the necessary minimum and sufficient for vowel recognition.

Articulation in Singing. 

Continuation of work on the


Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the PRECISE AND ACTIVE PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS

Be able to pronounce voiced and sonorous consonants at the pitch of the subsequent vowel or the previous vowel at the end of the phrase.  Or at the pitch of the vowel sound at the end of the phrase.

Articulation in Singing. 


Post-synchronous Task:

Singing with the lyrics of vocalises with the implementation of the PRECISE AND ACTIVE PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS

Be able to pronounce voiced and sonorous consonants at the pitch of the subsequent vowel or the previous vowel at the end of the phrase.  Or at the pitch of the vowel sound at the end of the phrase.

Preparation for a Stage performance on the vocal exam.

1. Fundamentals of psychological and physical preparation for the performance.

2. Dress code for stage performance.       3. Stage behaviour.

Post-synchronous Task:

Engage in groups in large auditoriums, where one part of the students perform the function of a spectator and the other performers on stage. Invite students and teachers from other departments and faculties to these classes.

Performance of previously studied vocal works without loss of performance quality with a large crowd of audience.

Text Books And Reference Books:

History of dance / Gayle Kassing

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

The Cambridge companion to singing / edited by John Potter

Evaluation Pattern

The testing pattern will consist of music and dance to be performed in the middle and at the end of the semester. 

Conducted internally at the departmental level


CIA II (50 marks) – Demonstration of learned skills in dance and vocal


ESE (50 marks) – Final performance of a choreographed dance sequence and a song


Total (100 marks)


THE281-3 - AUDITIONING BASICS (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


A value-added course for first-year students introducing practical auditioning techniques. Students will learn to cut and deliver contrasting audition monologues in a variety of auditioning scenarios. Students will set auditioning goals and begin curating their collegiate auditioning repertoire to perform in juried mock auditions. To be employed either in the country or abroad as an actor, auditioning is essential.

-To gain an understanding of basic auditioning practices.

-Develop skills in the analysis and interpretation of dramatic texts for performance.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Students will develop an understanding of practical proficiency in executing the fundamental principles of a variety of standard auditioning formats.

CO2: Students will share showcase auditioning skills through juried audition performances.

Teaching Hours:6
Monologue Selection, Cuts, and Performance

Monologues selected and cut for contrast, type, length, and story arch

Teaching Hours:6
Monologue Selection, Cuts, and Performance

Monologues selected and cut for contrast, type, length, and story arch

Teaching Hours:4
Self-Tape Introduction

Basic format, composition, and strategies regarding self-taped auditions

Teaching Hours:4
Self-Tape Introduction

Basic format, composition, and strategies regarding self-taped auditions

Teaching Hours:7
General Auditions

 Monologues cut for time and strategy, standardized lengths and edits, professional slate, and beginning of repertoire building

Teaching Hours:7
General Auditions

 Monologues cut for time and strategy, standardized lengths and edits, professional slate, and beginning of repertoire building

Teaching Hours:7
Callback Auditions

 Cold reading, improvisation, and partnering support strategies.

Teaching Hours:7
Callback Auditions

 Cold reading, improvisation, and partnering support strategies.

Teaching Hours:6
The Professional Audition Package

Compilation unit that brings together all prior skills for standardized, professional audition preparations and performance in a mock audition scenario

Teaching Hours:6
The Professional Audition Package

Compilation unit that brings together all prior skills for standardized, professional audition preparations and performance in a mock audition scenario

Text Books And Reference Books:

Acting & auditioning for the 21st century: tips, trends, and techniques for film, stage, digital and new media / Stephanie Barton-Farcas

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Auditioning for film and television: secrets from a casting director / Nancy Bishop

Evaluation Pattern

Conducted internally at the departmental level

CIA I (20 marks):  Monologue performance and evaluation of scored scripts

CIA II (50 marks): Self-tape submission of two contrasting pieces 

CIA I (20 marks):  Mock cold reading and improvisation sessions 

ESE (50 marks):  Juried mock audition performances of beginner repertoire pieces 

Extra 5 marks for attendance


Total (100 marks)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will be a comprehensive Kalari payattu that delves into the ancient

Kerala martial art form. The programme comprises several units designed to

give learners a well-rounded understanding of Kalari martial arts and its

application to theatrical performances. Overall, the Kalari course provides

theatre learners with a unique opportunity to learn about this fascinating art

form and its application to theatre performances. Learners will gain a deep

understanding of Kalari martial arts and how it can enhance their physical and

mental abilities and performances on stage, all while immersing themselves in

ancient Kerala culture and tradition.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Able to know the history, philosophy, and values that make up this art form and its cultural significance in ancient Indian tradition.

CO2: Able to hone their physical and mental abilities, including strength, flexibility, endurance, concentration, and focus.

CO3: Able to thoroughly understand Kalari martial arts and how it applies to theatrical performances.

CO4: Able to choreograph fight scenes using Kalari techniques and elevate actors' physicality, stamina and expressiveness on stage.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction of Kalarippayattu as a martial art
  • History and Growth
  • Two Styles of Kalari
  • Dress code
  • Conclusion with quizzes
Teaching Hours:10
Introduction of Kalarippayattu as a martial art
  • History and Growth
  • Two Styles of Kalari
  • Dress code
  • Conclusion with quizzes
Teaching Hours:10
Body conditioning exercise
  • General warm-up exercise
  • Leg, Hand, Eye movement
  • Preliminary postures and phases
  • Conclusion with Thozhal
Teaching Hours:10
Body conditioning exercise
  • General warm-up exercise
  • Leg, Hand, Eye movement
  • Preliminary postures and phases
  • Conclusion with Thozhal
Teaching Hours:10
Precise Body Training (Meyurapu)
  • Combination of Steps (Chuvadu and Vadivu)
  • Kaikuthi payattu
  • Meypayattu
  • Eight body postures (Vadivukal)
  • Conclusion with basic stick exercises
Teaching Hours:10
Precise Body Training (Meyurapu)
  • Combination of Steps (Chuvadu and Vadivu)
  • Kaikuthi payattu
  • Meypayattu
  • Eight body postures (Vadivukal)
  • Conclusion with basic stick exercises
Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. The complete guide to Kerala’s Martial Arts, Westland Books, Chennai,2016, Chirakkal, T Sreedharan Nair.

  2. Mei payattu, Kerala Folklore Academy,2012, S R D Prasad.

  3. When the body becomes all eyes, Oxford, India,2009, Phillip Zarrilli

  4. Vattenthiruppu Sampradayam, Current Books,2015, A K Venugopalan.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Anatomy and physiology: The Unit form and Function,2004, McGraw-Hill New York,3Ed.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA I (20 marks): Self-exploration of kinesthetic movement using basic stances of Kalari.


CIA II (50 marks): Documenting the Group work and analyses it.

ESE (50 marks): Practical demonstrative performances based on the learning.

Extra 5 marks for attendance

Total (100 marks)

FRE181-4 - FRENCH (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Programme Objectives - The curriculum of the French course offered as II language to II BA/BSc/BCom students is designed to suit the present-day requirements where the emphasis is more on the Oral communication. Beginning with day-to-day situations with its dialogues the stress is on the spoken word. The part on French civilization offers one useful insight on life and living in France.

Course Description -French as a second language in the UG program. The method< Adomania> consists of a student's book and an activity book, both included in the digital manual. It consists of 8 units. The structure of each unit begins with basic communication aspects, leading to basic expressions, vocabulary, cultural aspects, functional and practical French stage by stage in each unit. This< manual> covers all the necessary global parameters.

 Course Objectives

·       To develop basic and communication skills sharpen oral and written skills.

·       To enhance knowledge on French culture.

·       To enrich the learner’s vocabulary

·       To enable learners to engage in and discuss simple topics with ease

Learning Outcome

CO1: Enhancement of communicative competencies and sharpening of written and oral communicative skills.

CO2: Basic knowledge of french civilization.

CO3: Enrichment of vocabulary.

CO4: Enhanced ability to engage in conversations and discussions in French with ease.

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Text Books And Reference Books:


Textbook : Adomania 1 Methode de Français A1

Le Robert et Nathan, Conjugaison, English Edition

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

French websites like Bonjour de France, Fluent U French, Learn French Lab, Point du FLE etc.

Evaluation Pattern

      I.         Examination & Assessments – Through written assignments and different tests of linguistic skills

Question Paper Pattern

·       Section A - Test of linguistic ability through grammar components – 10 marks

·       Section B - Test of translating abilities and comprehension, short answers - 20 marks

·       Section C - Test of writing skills / Originality in letter writing, dialogue and essay  – 20 marks

CIA -1 10 marks

CIA- 2  50 marks

CIA –3  10 marks

ESE   50 marks.


Assessment Pattern

CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

CIA 1 – Assignments / Letter writing / Film review



CIA 2 –Mid Sem Exam



CIA 3 – Quiz / Role Play / Theatre / Creative projects 






End Sem Exam







GER181-4 - GERMAN (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course mainly deals with the listening, speaking, writing, reading modules of basic German by using different pedagogies and effective strategies in order to meet the requirements of various situations. This course also enables the students to have cross-cultural competencies and cognitive skills.


Course Objectives:

  • ·       To achieve language proficiency skills on the medium level


·       To develop the skills demonstrated in the ability to interpret simple texts


·       To attain some transcultural competency: an awareness of cross-cultural differences between societies.


  • ·       To develop the ability to formulate questions



Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand and perform tasks in varied areas of social life with the help of the acquisition of communicative, linguistic and cultural know-how

CO2: Judge and do tasks in varied areas of day-to-day life activities

CO3: Formulate phrases related to personal details and particular concrete situations.

CO4: Recall the basic phrases and use them effectively

CO5: Interact and speak in small social gatherings.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Text Books And Reference Books:

Netzwerk neu Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1 Textbook, Workbook, Glossar and 2 CDs by Stefanie Dengler, Paul Rusch, Helen Schmitz, Tanja Sieber, Klett -Langenscheidt Publishers


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Studio d A1 set of three books and CD by Herr Mann Funk, Cornelsen Publishers


2.     Deutsch Sprachlehre für Ausländer and Glossar Deutsch-English by Heinz Griesbach-Dora Schulz, Max Hueber Publishers


3.     Deutsch für den Beruf text book by Adelheid h, Max Hueber Publishers


4.     Deutsch für den Beruf work book by Adelheid h, Max Hueber Publishers


5.     Grammatik Intensiv Trainer A1 Deutsch – Langenscheidt by Mark Lester, Larry Beason, Langenscheid Publishers


6.     Fit für Goethe Zetifikat A1 start Deutsch 1 by Johaness Gerbes, Frau ke van der Werff, Hueber Publishers


7.     Learn german through games and activities level1 Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch and CD by Sabine Emmerich & Federica Colombo, Eli Publishers


Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Pattern

CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

CIA 1 – Assignments / Creative Projects



CIA 2 –Mid Semester Exam



CIA 3 – Viva / Group assignment






End Semester Exam







HIN181-4 - BASIC HINDI (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This is a thirty hours course. Students will be exposed to the use of Hindi Language both in oral and written forms. During the course, Hindi alphabets, words, simple sentences, general vocabulary and basic grammar will be taught. At the end of the course students will be able to read, write and speak the Language

Learning Outcome

CO1: Improve the spoken skill.

CO2: Acquire reading and writing skill.

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.     Creative writing                                  by: John Singleton

2.     Adhunik Hindi Nibandh                     by: BhuvaneshwarichandranSaksena.

3.     Cambridge introduction to                 by: Morley, Davi

Creative writing

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Creative writing                                  by: John Singleton

2.     Adhunik Hindi Nibandh                     by: BhuvaneshwarichandranSaksena.

3.     Cambridge introduction to                 by: Morley, Davi

Creative writing

Evaluation Pattern

Mid-Semester Examination

Course name- Basic Hindi

Course Code-HIN181-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                              Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





1.     Multiple choice

2.     Change of Gender

3.     Change of Number

4.     Change of Tense

5.     Correct the sentences

10 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

10x1= 10







Vocabulary writing


1 x10= 10



Conversation practice

Descriptive type

1 out of 2 



End-Semester Examination

Course name- Basic Hindi

Course Code-HIN181-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                                          Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





1.     Multiple choice

2.     Change of Gender

3.     Change of Number

4.     Change of Tense

5.     Correct the sentences

10 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

10x1= 10







Vocabulary writing

10 questions

1 x10= 10



Conversation practice

Descriptive type

1 out of 2 



HIN281-4 - HINDI (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The detailed text book “Samkaleen Katha Sanchay” edited by Dr. Sebastian K.A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond is an anthology of Modern Stories written by representative poets of Hindi Literature. The stories reflect on the social, environmental, cultural and political issues which are prevalent in our society since the medieval period. Cultural art forms of India, ispart of the syllabus. Film appreciation and creative writings are included.

Paper I - Poetry, Cultural Art forms

Learning Outcome

CO1: Improve the writing skill in literary Hindi

CO2: Improve the analytical skills through critical analysis of the story

CO3: Will be able to learn the different aspects of Movies

CO4: To improve the Creative skills.

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay? (Collection of stories) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of Hindi stories edited by Dr Deepak Kumar Gond& Dr Sebastian K A

Teaching Hours:20
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Teaching Hours:20


Text Books And Reference Books:

Samakaleen Katha  Sanchay’ (Collection of stories)                                                                         

                               edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond            20 Hrs.

Level of knowledge: Analytical

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Vanijya Hindi – By A V Narti 2 Creative writing – By : John Singleton 3 Adhunik Hindi Nibandh – By: Bhuvaneshwarichandran Saksena 4 Cambridge introduction to – By: Morley, Dav

Evaluation Pattern

Mid-Semester Examination

3 Sem – BA/ B.Sc

Course Code-HIN281-4

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                                          Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





Essay types question


3 questions





Cultural art forms of India

 Descriptive type

1 question




One passage for translation from English to Hindi

1 question

1 x10= 10


End-Semester Examination  

3 Sem – BA/ B.Sc

Course Code-HIN281-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2Hrs                                                                               Max. Marks : 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





Essay types question


3 questions





Cultural art forms of India

Descriptive type

1 question




One passage for translation from English to Hindi

1 question

1 x10= 10


KAN181-4 - FOUNDATION KANNADA (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Foundational Kannada has been introduced for the Under Graduate Non-Kannada Speakers. These students are trained to converse in Kannada for their day-to-day life activities. It helps them to communicate among the group to create intimacy for their daily activity.  It also helps to understand the culture and tradition of the region. By the end of the course, students will be able to understand, speak, read and write in Kannada language. The department of languages proposed to offered Foundational Kannada along with two credits and thirty hours of class room teaching for the BA/B.SC. /B.COM and BBA Courses in UG Programme from this academic year 2024-25.


Course Objective:

• To enable students to communicate in the regional language Kannada.

• Helps to converse in Kannada language particularly those have come from other states.


• The course mainly focuses on Conversation and writing skills.



Learning Outcome

CO1: Remember and write the Kannada vocabulary

CO2: Understand words and write Kannada meaning

CO3: Evaluate text and create the sentences

CO4: Appy the language to the context

Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Text Books And Reference Books:

1.      Muddu Kannada: R. L. Anantharamiah

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.Muddu Kannada: R. L. Anantharamiah

2.Tili Kannada- K.S. Madhusudana & H.N. Muralidhara 

3.Conversational Kannada: N D Krishnamurthy &amp; Dr. U P Upadhyaya

Evaluation Pattern

The evaluation and assessment will be based on Continuous Internal Assessments, written exam and Viva-Voce

               CIA 1: First written test to test their writing ability (Vocabulary) - 20 Marks

               CIA 2: Second written test to test their writing ability MSE (Sentences) – 50  Marks

               CIA 3: Oral test to test their listening and speaking ability. (Skit based activity)- 20                                   Marks

                Attendance- 05

               ESE: End Semester Examination – 50 Marks

KAN281-4 - KANNADA (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Kannada is offered to students of  IV Semester BA, BSC Courses, under AEC for fifty marks. The students of this semester will study  Modern Kannada Play, modern fictions and Formal Letters.  The syllabus will help  them to learn and write a different forms  of  Formal letters.  The Syllabus is well structured with local, national and global needs of the students, imbibes human values, proffessional ethics, sustainability and  various language skills.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Expose learners to the post modern writings.

CO2: Able to understand the literary genre

CO3: Able to develop their critical and analytical thinking

CO4: Enable them in creative writings

CO5: Able to improve their theatrical skills.

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

Yayati By Girisha Karnad

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
A short story

Mouni By U.R. Ananthmurty 

Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

Formal Letter Writing


Text Books And Reference Books:

1.      Kannada Sanna Kathegala Olavu- Giraddi Govindaraj

2.      Adhunika Kannada Nataka- K. Marulasiddappa

Samagra Kannada Sahitya Charithre

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Adhunika Kannada Kathegalu

Vyavaharika Kannada

Suvarna Nataka Sahitya

Evaluation Pattern

Writtren Test 

Wikipedia article creation

KOR281-4 - KOREAN (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course is designed to further develop the knowledge and communicative skills of those who have completed the Basic Korean Language Level I.


  • Upon completion of the course, students should be able to manage conversation and listening, reading and writing on the topics related to asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, talking about daily routines, talking about plans for the week, talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes.
  • Each lesson contains three conversation tasks, reading and speaking, listening and speaking, grammar and speaking and vocabulary and expressions.
  • Korean culture is introduced.


Learning Outcome

CO1: listen, understand and respond to short conversations about everyday life.

CO2: remember and apply basic rules of grammar. write simple phrases/ messages/ dialogues/ small paragraphs on every day topics.

CO3: be familiar with the socio-cultural aspects of the language.

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Text Books And Reference Books:


Sogang Korean 1A (Student’s book), Sogang Korean 1A (Workbook)

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Grammar and vocabulary supplementary book

2.     Korean Culture 77

Evaluation Pattern

CIA I: 10 (Assignment/Dictation test)

CIA II: 25 (Written test)

CIA III: 10 (Assignment/Dictation test)

ESE : 50 (Written test)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course will help the students to develop an understanding of human development from conception to the later stages of life. This course has been conceptualized in order to provide a general introduction to various developmental concepts across the different stages of the lifespan, with the nature versus nurture debate as a concurrent theme. The primary purpose of this course is to examine the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development of infants, children, adolescents, and adults and the various factors (e.g., genetics, parenting, peer groups, culture) that influence development. Prominent theories of development and research methods in developmental psychology are reviewed. Specific topics that are covered include prenatal development, aggression, attachment, gender development, language development, moral development, cognitive development, cultural influences, and ageing.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of developmental psychology

CO2: Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors

CO3: Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development, examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

CO4: Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and later-life challenges like a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:6
Describe basic concepts, principles, debates, stages and domains of Developmental Psychology

 Introduction to developmental psychology-concepts and principles of human development ; Nature Vs Nurture debate ;  developmental milestones ; Periods of lifespan development ; Domains of human development ; Domains of human development ; methods to study development- longitudinal, cross-sectional and sequential.


Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:22
Describe physical and cognitive development from the prenatal to adolescence with a focus on the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.

Physical Development-Prenatal development - stages,development of brain and body; the impact of teratogens (downs syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome); growth spurts inchildren and adolescents- motor, speech and puberty Cognitive Development-include cognitive, moral, language, thought- Cognitive-Piaget and Vygotsky theory-play and language; morality and values -Kolhberg and Gilligan; the role of school and technology on value orientation, play and learning.Explain risk behaviours in adolescents and its impact - using biological and cognitive development theory; the role of brain development, Bronfenbrenner ecosystem model

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:20
Explain changes in socio-emotional and identity development examining the role of gender, peers and parents.

Emotional Development- stages- Socio-emotional aspects- development of empathy, emotional regulation-temperament-cycle of aggression/transgenerational trauma.Development of attachment- Bowlby and Ainsworth- stages and types; Parenting-Diana Bauimrind- Cross-cultural views on family and parenting.Development of Identity- Erickson and Marica, gender identity, the role of peers and media

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Teaching Hours:12
Describe how developmental theories extend to explain adulthood and late life challenges of a midlife crisis, ageing and facing death.

Entering adultlife-stages-emerging adult-Arnette; adult life stages-Havigrust; quarter and mid-life crisis; cross-cultural views on choosing a partner and marriage. Later adult life and ageing; myths and misconceptions; biological and psychological perspectives- Levinson; successful ageing; dealing with losses and grief- death, retirement and abilities

Text Books And Reference Books:

Santrock, J.W. (2009).Life Span Development:A Topical Approach (3rd Edition).McGraw Hill,Education

Dixon, W. E. (2003).Twenty studies that revolutionized child psychology. Prentice Hall.

Berk, L. E.(2016).Exploring lifespan development. Pearson.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Berk, L. E.(2016).Exploring lifespan development. Pearson.

Arnett, J. J. (2014).Adolescence and emerging adulthood.Pearson Education Limited.

Berk, L. E.(2016).Exploring lifespan development. Pearson.

Evaluation Pattern

5 marks for attendance as per University Policy

CIA 1 & 3 will be individual assignments

CIA2- will be mid-semester exam- case study based questions

End Semester Pattern- 2 hrs- 50 Marks

Section A (Very short Answer). 2 Marks X 5Qs= 10 Marks

Section B (Short answers). 5 Marks X 2Qs= 10 Marks

Section C (Essay questions). 10 Marks X 2Qs= 20 Marks

Section D (Case study). 10 Marks x 1Q= 10 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course has been conceptualised for students to understand the historical and scientific developments in the field of social psychology. Students will explore the theoretical bases of the development of the social self and the dynamics of social perception and cognition, interpersonal attraction, prosocial behaviour, aggression, prejudice, attitudes, social influence and group processes in a social context. The course will engage students through pedagogy designed for a hands-on experience, critical reading of journal articles, discussion of contemporary social issues, and small study groups to facilitate a deeper understanding of human social behaviour. Further, the course aims to use a multicultural and intersectional lens to build on the student's understanding.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies

CO2: Identify social psychological concepts to understand themselves in social situations

CO3: Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience.

CO4: Examine cross-cultural perspectives and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interpersonal relationships.

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of the field of social psychology through research methods and classic studies.

Introduction : What is Social Psychology?; Overview of social psychology ; Recent advances in social psychology: Role of affect, emotions and cognition , social relationships, social neuroscience, implicit(non-conscious) processes, multicultural perspective, using intersectional lens ; Role of Theory in social psychology; Qualitative research methods in social psychology: Interviews, Ethnographic methods, Focus group discussion, Diaries and Ambulatory assessments, Secondary data and Archival method, Discourse analysis, Action research; Quantitative research methods in social psychology: Experimental method , Correlational method, Surveys and “Big data”; Classic studies : Triplett’s competition studies; La Piere’s hospitality study, Sherif’s autokinetic study, Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, Milgram’s shock experiment ; Asch’s line judgment study ; Discussion topic : Ethical considerations in the study of social behaviour

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Relate theory in social psychology to understand real-world problems and contemporary issues in prejudice, conformity and obedience

Automatic and controlled processing, Affect and cognition, Potential sources of error in social cognition; Social self – Origins and sources of self-knowledge –Introspection,

Self-perception, Social comparison, Past and possible selves, Culture; Regulating and controlling the self;

Self-esteem -Types and consequences; Self- presentation - Strategic self-presentation, Falsemodesty, Self-handicapping, Impression management, Self-monitoring; Impression formation (central and peripheral traits and implicit personality theory, self

-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, belief perseverance) ; Social perception - Attribution theories (Kelly’s covariation theory and Jones’ and Davis correspondent inference theory, Attribution biases (Fundamental attribution error, Actor-observer effect; Motivational biases).

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Teaching Hours:12
Examine cross cultural perspective s and factors influencing prosocial behaviour and interperson al relationshi ps.

Behaviour & Interpersonal relationships : Motives for Prosocial behaviour: Evolutionary perspective, Social exchange perspective,Empathy-altruism hypothesis, Negative-state relief, Empathic joy, Defensive helping, Social norms ; Influences on Helping –Social learning of prosocial behaviour ,Positive emotions (gratitude and empathy), Interpersonal factors (similarity and responsibility), Social exclusion, Darkness, Putting an economic value on one’s time and effort ; Emergency responses : Bystander effect , Latane and Darley’s bystander studies; The effects of being helped; Relationship between prosocial behaviour and aggression (how prosocial behaviour can counter aggression).Interpersonal relationships : Internal sources of attraction (social needs and emotions), External sources of attraction (proximity and physical beauty) ; Factors based on social interaction (similarity and mutual liking); Close relationships: attachment styles, threats to intimate relationships (virtual contexts, jealousy and ending relationships) ; Cross-cultural perspectives in intimate relationships, trust and altruism ; Discussion topic : Bullying (including cyberbullying) ; Loneliness and social isolation among youth.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Benet-Martínez, V.(2012).Multicultura lism : Cultural, social and personality processes.pp. 1-7.

(In Eds.)Kay Deaux and Mark Snyder.The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology.Oxford University press.


Branscombe, N.R & Baron, R.A (2023).Social Psychology, (15th Global Ed.). Pearson Education Limited.


Bowleg, L. (2017).Intersectionali ty : An Underutilized but Essential Theoretical Framework for Social Psychology.pp

515-522. (In Eds.)

Brendan Gough. Palgrave Handbook of Critical Social Psychology.Palgrave Macmillan 

Figgou, L. & Pavlopoulos, P.(2015).Social psychology :Research methods.International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2nd Ed.) Volume 22.

Pp.544–552. 016/B978-0-08-097086-8.24028-2

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Misra, G. & Dalal,A.K. (2001). Social Psychology in India: Evolution and Emerging trends.

(In Eds) Ajit. K. Dalal and Girishwar Misra. New Directions in Indian Psychology : Social Psychology (Volume 1).Sage Publications.


Qui,L., Chan,S.H.M., & Chan, D(2018).Big data in social and psychological science: theoretical and methodological issues.


Journal of Computational Social Science 1,pp. 59–66. 7/s42001-017-0013-6


Smith. J.R. & Haslam, S.A. (2012).Social psychology : Revisiting the classic studies. Sage publications.


Reading material and Resources :Branscombe, N.R & Baron, R.A (2023).Social Psychology, (15th Global Ed.).

Pearson Education Limited.


Kassin, S. Fein, S. & Markus, H. (2014). Social Psychology, (9th ed.). Wadsworth- Cengage learning.


Myers, D.G , Sahajpal ,P. & Behera, P. (2019)


Social Psychology, (10th Ed). McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited).


Branscombe, N.R & Baron, R.A (2023).Social Psychology, (15th Global Ed.).

Pearson Education Limited.Crisp, R.J. & Turner,R.N. (2020).


Essential Social Psychology, (4th ed.).Sage Publications. Reicher.S & Haslam,S.A. (2006).

Tyranny revisited : Groups, psychological well-being, and the health of societies. The Psychologist, 19(3).


Branscombe, N.R & Baron, R.A (2023).Social Psychology, (15th Global Ed.). Pearson Education Limited.


Smith, P.B., Fischer, R., Vignoles, V.L. & Bond, ,M.H. (2013).

Understanding Social Psychology across cultures: Engaging with others in a changing world (2nd Ed.).

Sage Publications Ltd.


Evaluation Pattern

5 marks for attendance as per University Policy CIA 1 & 3 will be individual assignments

CIA2- will be mid-semester exam- case study based questions

End Semester Pattern- 2 hrs- 50 Marks

Section A (Very short Answer). 2 Marks X 5Qs= 10 Marks

Section B (Short answers). 5 Marks X 2Qs= 10 Marks

Section C (Essay questions). 10 Marks X 2Qs= 20 Marks

Section D (Case study). 10 Marks x 1Q= 10 Marks

SAN181-4 - BASIC SANSKRIT (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Sanskrit is the ancient language of India. Foundational Sanskrit has been introduced to the undergraduate students.   This course helps the student to read, write, understand, and converse in Sanskrit. The focus would be on understanding the Sanskrit texts rather than just learning the grammar or the vocabulary.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify and improved vocabulary

CO2: Develop their communication skills

CO3: Improve their reading and writing skills.

CO4: Improve memory and recall ability.

CO5: pronounce, enunciate, and understand the meaning.

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Sanskrit Vocabulary Builder-Book Paperback – 1 by Vyoma Linguistic Labs Foundation 

2. Sanskrit Grammar and Reference Book Paperback – 1 by Prof. Ratnakar Narale

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. A Sanskrit Reader: Text and Vocabulary and Notes Hardcover by Charles Rockwell Lanman 

2. The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit Hardcover – by A. M. Ruppel  

3. Sabdarupasangrahah Paperback – Sanskrit Edition  by Vyoma Linguistic Labs 


Evaluation Pattern

The evaluation and assessment will be based on Continuous Internal Assessment and an end Semester Examination.

1.      Objective type of exam and oral examination as CIA and end exam

2.      85% of attendance.

3.      The final credits will be weighted average of 2 CIA and ESE


SAN281-4 - SANSKRIT (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are

transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Analyze the literature critically.

CO2: Acquaint the students with the linguistic features, aesthetic sense, and other specific key features of famous Sanskrit prose and poetry

CO3: Develop the style of creating literary works (prose and poetry) in Sanskrit.

CO4: Understand the origin and development of Sanskrit drama.

CO5: Appreciate the linguistic features, aesthetic sense, and other specific key features of famous Sanskrit Works.

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Champu Kavya Aranya Kanda "Ramo vanaya vavraaja "

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. Ayodya Kanda is selected as the

prescribed text for the students, composed by Bhoja. Dasharatha with the premonition of

death, decides to coronate his eldest son Rana as his successor. When Dasharatha asks the


opinion of his subjects as a democratic ruler, people are overjoyous on hearing that their

cynosure of eyes Rama is going to be coronated. The entire city of Ayodhya bears a festive

look for the coronation ceremony. Having seen this, Manthara impure the mind of Kaikeyi

to send Rama to the forest and coronate Bharata in his place as Dasharatha had promised

Kaikeyi earlier with two boons when the latter had given a helping hand to the former at the

time of war. To fulfill the promise of his father, as an obedient son Rama departs to the

forest accompanied by Sitha and Lakshmana

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:12
Uttara Ramacharitham of Bhavabhuti

Uttararamacariotam of Bhavabhuti- Prathamaanka is a Sanskrit play in seven acts in the Nataka

style by Bhavabhuti. which tells the story of Rama&#39;s life after he returns to Ayodhya

following his victory over Ravana. The drama explores Rama&#39;s relationships with his family

members and the challenges he faces as a king.

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1.Samasa Prakaranam

2. Translation of Passage

3) synonyms /antonyms 

Text Books And Reference Books:

1) Ayodhya Kanda from “Champuramayana of Bhoja

2) Uttara Rama charitham of Bhavabhuthi edited by M.R Kale


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1) Sanskrit Grammar by M.R. Kale.

2) History of Sanskrit literature by Dr. M.S. Shivakumaraswamy.

3) History of Sanskrit literature by Krishnamachari.

Evaluation Pattern

The evaluation and assessment will be based on Continuous Internal Assessments

and an End Semester Examination.

1. CIA 1 – will be Sanskrit Wikipedia –Project (1)

2. CIA 2 – Mid-semester Examination

3. CIA 3 – will be Sanskrit Wikipedia- Project (2)

4. CIA ‘s and Attendance will have 50% weight

5. The end-semester examination will have 50% weight.

6. The final grade will be weighed average of ESE and CIAs.

SPA181-4 - SPANISH (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: “Aula International 1” A1/A2 . Is designed to develop listening, speaking,

writing, and reading skills in Spanish as well as cultural competency in the Hispanic world. This

course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of Spanish .This method leads easy way

to communicate and to carry out tasks in Spanish.

Course Objectives: “Aula International 1” A1/A2’. General objective are more specific to define

the linguistic knowledge with the help of which the learners will implement various skills such

as to understand, to speak, to interact and to write.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Student will able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to spoken and written Spanish.

CO2: Student will able to recognize the value of Spanish language learning and cultures through participation in a variety of activities.

CO3: Student will able to demonstrate language learning skills and strategies as cognitive and social development.

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Text Books And Reference Books:

“Aula International 1” A1/A2 . Is designed to develop listening, speaking,

writing, and reading skills in Spanish as well as cultural competency in the Hispanic world. This

course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of Spanish .This method leads easy way

to communicate and to carry out tasks in Spanish.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Spanish websites like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Babbel, Rocket Languages, Pimsleur, Brainscape,

Busuu, Etc

Evaluation Pattern

Examination & Assessments – Through written assignments and different tests of linguistic skills

Question Paper Pattern

● Section A - Test of linguistic ability through grammar components –15 marks

● Section B - Test of translating abilities and comprehension, short answers - 15 marks

● Section C - Test of writing skills / dialogue and essay writing – 20 marks

TAM281-4 - TAMIL (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description

Course Description and Course Objectives

The department IS well-organized curriculum includes courses on literature, culture, and language competency that enable students to gain

the expertise they need to succeed in their future employment.

1. Silappathigaram-(Ilangovadigal) Purancheri Irutthak Kathai .The Silappathikaram tells of the young merchant Kovalans marriage to thevirtuous Kannaki (Kannagi), his love for the courtesan Madhavi, and hisconsequent ruin and exile in Madhurai, where he is unjustly executed after trying to sell his wife,s anklet to a wicked goldsmith who had stolen thequeens anklet and charged.

2. Natrinai (Tamil: meaning excellent tinai), is a classical Tamil poeticwork and traditionally the first of the Eight Anthologies (Ettuthokai) in the

Sangam literature. The collection – sometimes spelled as Natrinai or Narrinai – contains both akam (love) and puram (war, public life) category

of poems

3. Aathangarai Oram&#39; Novel- by Iraianbu IAS- clarified the answer to the question of how we can overcome the challenge posed to natural

  beauty and resources by growing cities and the needs of cities. Even if the  government mobilizes people for the welfare of the people and fights morally without violence, its plans will be fulfilled with the ferocity of the government. Those who opposed it till the end will get self-satisfied that this is the last dam; and then go to rally against another such attempt.Based on this realistic situation, this novel called ;Aathangarai Oramwhich is very well written, is seen as the best Indian literature written inTamil. This innovation was seen to broaden people&#39;s minds and stimulate thought while emphasizing aesthetic sense and humanistic qualities.

4.Ani ilakkanam-This lesson offers a brief introduction to Ani ilakkanam- the grammar concerning the use of figures of speech.Traditionally, Tamil grammar is divided into 5 parts-viz. ‘ezhuthu’ or(letter), ‘sol’ or (word), ‘porul’ or (subject),‘yappu’ i.e.,(prosody ormetrics)and‘ani’. .‘Anikal’ or figures of speech are the decorative aspects of a language. They are used to add beauty to the written text. The word ‘ani’ in Tamilmean‘beauty’.

5.Translation serves as a bridge in our connected world, enabling the exchange of ideas, political cooperation, economic growth, and cultural understanding. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of translation as a beacon of understanding in a sea of diversity becomes even more critical. It promises to not only connect us but also to enhance our collective pursuit of knowledge, peace, and friendship among nations


Course Objectives : The Department of languages offers Tamil as one of the second languages.The objective in providing second language courses for undergraduate programs is to equip students with the ability to effectively express and analyze Tamil language, literature, and culture in a conceptual manner, fostering an understanding of ideas, debates, and ideological affiliations. This approach encourages students to think critically, evaluate arguments, and draw conclusions in a logical and analytical manner. By emphasizing the development of these skills, students can apply their knowledge of Tamil language and culture to various academic and professional settings, making them well-rounded and competitive individuals in the global arena.

Learning Outcome

CO 1: CO1: Analyze the chronological background and generous of epics.

CO 2: CO2: Analyze the departmental principles of the Tamil and the Internal ethics

CO3: CO3: Establish that Novels are the timepiece of a society.

CO4 : CO4: It helps to know the ethics of the life through grammar.

CO5: CO5: Gain the knowledge about other language structure and culture of other language.

Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


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Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


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Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6


Teaching Hours:6

POEMS 01, 14, 70, 169, 172, 367, & 393.

Teaching Hours:6

POEMS 01, 14, 70, 169, 172, 367, & 393.

Teaching Hours:6

POEMS 01, 14, 70, 169, 172, 367, & 393.

Teaching Hours:6

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Teaching Hours:6

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Teaching Hours:6

POEMS 01, 14, 70, 169, 172, 367, & 393.

Teaching Hours:10


Teaching Hours:10


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Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Text Books And Reference Books:

1. silappathigaram- by Ilagovadigal ,Kazhaga veliyeedu,Chennai.

2. Natrinai paadalgal- Kazhaga veliyeedu,Chennai.

3. Aathankarai Oram – By V.Iraianbu, published by NCBH ,Chennai.

4. Thandiyalangaram –by Tamil virtual Academy.

5. Mozhipeyarppu kalai- by A.K.Subramaniyam,

6. History of Tamil Literature Through the centuries XXII Century

             M. Arunachalam, Gandhi vidyalayam,

            Tiruchirambalam, Mayuram-Thanjavur District.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. silappathigaram- by Ilagovadigal ,Kazhaga veliyeedu,Chennai.

2. Natrinai paadalgal- Kazhaga veliyeedu,Chennai.

3. Aathankarai Oram – By V.Iraianbu, published by NCBH ,Chennai.

4. Thandiyalangaram –by Tamil virtual Academy.

5. Mozhipeyarppu kalai- by A.K.Subramaniyam,

6. History of Tamil Literature Through the centuries XXII Century

             M. Arunachalam, Gandhi vidyalayam,

            Tiruchirambalam, Mayuram-Thanjavur District.

Evaluation Pattern

1. Research &amp; Content Accuracy

2. Organization &amp; Structure

3. Writing Quality &amp; Clarity

4. Adherence to Wikipedia Style

5. Links, References and Pictures

6. Creativity &amp; Engagement

THE201A-4 - ART OF ACTING LEVEL II (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


An advanced acting course for students in their second year of study.  This course pairs with the introductory Directing course for scene work projects and live performance exams.  Students build on the Stanislavsky foundation by applying additional theories and techniques, including Viewpoints, Meisner, Chekhov, Lessac, Laban, and others, as introduced in their accompanying Acting Theory course. Keep exploring global practices of acting to improve students’ skills to help with future employability. 


Learning Outcome

CO1: Students will develop self-awareness of vocal, physical, and imaginative abilities as performers and then expand upon them.

CO2: Students will explore the process of character development and embodiment.

CO3: Students will be able to analyse and interpret dramatic texts effectively.

CO4: Students will gain practical experience in acting and working with a director from the same peer group.

Teaching Hours:8
Actor Inventory


  • Conduct a vocal inventory to identify vocal qualities, explore vocal aspects of characterization, and create distinct character voices

  • Conduct a physical inventory to identify and apply a range of physicality and nonverbal traits for characterization

  • Conduct a personal inventory to identify key life experiences and viewpoints to use as a baseline for imagining character connections and contrasts, including opportunities for substition

Teaching Hours:8
Actor Inventory


  • Conduct a vocal inventory to identify vocal qualities, explore vocal aspects of characterization, and create distinct character voices

  • Conduct a physical inventory to identify and apply a range of physicality and nonverbal traits for characterization

  • Conduct a personal inventory to identify key life experiences and viewpoints to use as a baseline for imagining character connections and contrasts, including opportunities for substition

Teaching Hours:12
Script Analysis and Character Study


  • Understanding the nuances of the script, including themes, conflicts, and character relationships.

  • Conducting character analysis: exploring motivations, objectives, and obstacles.

  • Developing voice and body language for distinct characterization

Teaching Hours:12
Script Analysis and Character Study


  • Understanding the nuances of the script, including themes, conflicts, and character relationships.

  • Conducting character analysis: exploring motivations, objectives, and obstacles.

  • Developing voice and body language for distinct characterization

Teaching Hours:40
Scene Work and Character Interaction


  • Rehearsing scenes: applying script analysis and characterization work to a character in a one-act play

  • Exploring relationships: developing interactive dynamics between characters

  • Workshop unique scene interpretations and character dynamics with the guidance of a student from the directing class.

Teaching Hours:40
Scene Work and Character Interaction


  • Rehearsing scenes: applying script analysis and characterization work to a character in a one-act play

  • Exploring relationships: developing interactive dynamics between characters

  • Workshop unique scene interpretations and character dynamics with the guidance of a student from the directing class.

Text Books And Reference Books:

To the actor: on the technique of acting By Michael Chekhov 

Respect for acting / Uta Hagen 

Building A Character / By Constantin Stanislavski 

Creating a Role : Constantin Stanislavski 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Acting: the first six lessons / by Richard Boleslavsky 

The outstanding actor: seven keys to success / Ken Rea 

My Life in Art / by Constantin Stanislavski

Evaluation Pattern

Conducted internally at the departmental level

The assessments will focus on the actor's ability to embody the character and deliver authentic, engaging performances as a collaborative artist. Actors will be assessed on how effectively they collaborate with fellow actors and their student director in rehearsals, development, and performance scenarios. 


CIA II (50 marks) – presentation along with a demonstration of the character from a play


ESE (50 marks) – practical exam where the students demonstrate their skills performing in a play 

Total (100 marks) 

THE201B-4 - THEATRE DIRECTING (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The Theatre Directing Practical course is designed for theatre students looking to gain hands-on experience in directing. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the creative process involved in theatre production. Enrolling in this course will develop your skills and gain valuable practical experience in directing, which can prepare you for future opportunities in the field. Throughout this course, learners will learn about the various tasks involved in directing a play, including the role of a director and how to communicate effectively with actors and other production team members. Learners will also study how to analyse and interpret a script and develop a clear vision for a production.

In addition, they will use various techniques to create a cohesive and engaging production. Upon completing the Theatre Directing Practical course, learners will have gained valuable practical experience in directing, which will help them prepare for future opportunities in the field of Theatre directing. The course will equip learners with the skills necessary for theatre production. Explore global practices of directing to improve students’ skills to help with future employability.

       Help students understand the role of a director and the various tasks involved in directing a play.

       Teach students how to analyse and interpret a script and develop a clear vision for a production.

       Train students on communicating effectively with actors and other production team members.

       Equip students with various techniques to create a cohesive and engaging production.

       Enable students to evaluate their work and provide constructive feedback to the cast and crews.


Learning Outcome

Teaching Hours:20
The Art of Directing



This module covers the creative process of directing, including script selection, play analysis, play reading, plotting, and blocking.


Teaching Hours:20
The Art of Directing



This module covers the creative process of directing, including script selection, play analysis, play reading, plotting, and blocking.


Teaching Hours:20
The Craft of Working with Actors


In this module, learners will study composition, movements, rhythm, tempo, and conventional stage forms and understand the physicalisation possibilities of a given play or dramatic piece.

Teaching Hours:20
The Craft of Working with Actors


In this module, learners will study composition, movements, rhythm, tempo, and conventional stage forms and understand the physicalisation possibilities of a given play or dramatic piece.

Teaching Hours:20
The Production Process


Learners will apply the knowledge they have gained in practice by working with and directing their classmates to present a play for the end-semester examination. This module covers play production practices.

Teaching Hours:20
The Production Process


Learners will apply the knowledge they have gained in practice by working with and directing their classmates to present a play for the end-semester examination. This module covers play production practices.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Clurman, Harold. On Directing. New York: A Fireside Book, 1997.Print
  2. Carra, Lawrence and Dean, Alexander. Fundamentals of Play Directing.USA: Waveland Press, 2009.Print.
  3. Francis Hodge & Michael McLain. Play Directing: Analysis, Communication, and Style 
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Viola Spolin, Improvisation for the Theatre (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1999)ISBN: 081014008X 
  2. Moni Yakim, Muriel Broadman, Creating a Character (New York, London: Applause Theatre Book Publishers, 1993) ISBN: 1557831610 
  3. Shomit Mitter, Systems of Rehearsal (London: Routledge, 1992) ISBN: 0415067847  


Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation pattern:

Conducted internally at the departmental level.


Throughout this course, learners will engage in various assignments and evaluations to enhance their skills in theatre directing. The final project submission is a crucial aspect of this course, requiring learners to submit a typed project, binding, visual documentation, and a final viva voce.



CIA II (50 marks) - Workshop Documentation: The facilitators will discuss the documentation requirements with the learners, which will help them keep track of their progress.


ESE (50 marks) -  Presentation: Learners can showcase their project and outcomes to the class through a 10-20-minute performance.

Total (100 marks)


 Facilitators will evaluate learners' progress through a short play production, which serves as the End Semester Examination. In addition to the project submission, learners must submit their Director notebooks/Production books. The facilitators will guide and support the learners throughout the course and encourage active participation and collaboration among the learners.



THE202A-4 - ACTING THEORY (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


An advanced acting course for students in their second year of study. This course is the theory component of Art of Acting II and introduces students to acting theories and techniques recognised globally, including Viewpoints, Meisner, Chekhov, Lessac, Laban, and others as supplemental lessons that build upon the foundation of Stanislavsky introduced in their introductory acting course.


Learning Outcome

CO1: To develop an understanding of additional acting techniques and methodologies.

CO2: To explore multiple approaches to character development and embodiment.

CO3: To cultivate vocal and physical expressiveness for the stage.

CO4: To explore opportunities for applying substitution and various composition strategies

Teaching Hours:8
Improvisation applications


  • Learning the basics rules of improvisation.

  • Exploring how improvisation can be used for characterization

  • Understanding how improvisation may be used as a rehearsal tool

Teaching Hours:8
Improvisation applications


  • Learning the basics rules of improvisation.

  • Exploring how improvisation can be used for characterization

  • Understanding how improvisation may be used as a rehearsal tool

Teaching Hours:10
Composition and Collaboration


  • Explore the composition and characterization application of Bogart/Landau’s Viewpoints

  • Evaluate Viewpoints as a collaborative tool

  • Compare and contrast the outside-in/inside-out applications of this method/tool and others 

Teaching Hours:10
Composition and Collaboration


  • Explore the composition and characterization application of Bogart/Landau’s Viewpoints

  • Evaluate Viewpoints as a collaborative tool

  • Compare and contrast the outside-in/inside-out applications of this method/tool and others 

Teaching Hours:6
Vocal Exploration


  • Explore the range of vocal energies

  • Understand Lessac’s consonant orchestra

  • Experiment with applying stresses on performance scripts

Teaching Hours:6
Vocal Exploration


  • Explore the range of vocal energies

  • Understand Lessac’s consonant orchestra

  • Experiment with applying stresses on performance scripts

Teaching Hours:10
Physical Exploration


  • Understand fundamental ideas and exercises for physical application 

  • Study applications of Laban techniques for rehearsal and development

Teaching Hours:10
Physical Exploration


  • Understand fundamental ideas and exercises for physical application 

  • Study applications of Laban techniques for rehearsal and development

Teaching Hours:6
Atmosphere & Substitution


  • Make distinctions between Michael Chekhov’s approach to atmosphere and his predecessors

  • Explore variations on the concepts of emotional memory and substation from multiple acting theorists/practitioners

Teaching Hours:6
Atmosphere & Substitution


  • Make distinctions between Michael Chekhov’s approach to atmosphere and his predecessors

  • Explore variations on the concepts of emotional memory and substation from multiple acting theorists/practitioners

Teaching Hours:10
Active Listening


  • Compare Meisner’s approach to predecessors

  • Apply concepts of Meisner’s techniques through exercises and simulations

Teaching Hours:10
Active Listening


  • Compare Meisner’s approach to predecessors

  • Apply concepts of Meisner’s techniques through exercises and simulations

Teaching Hours:10
Rehearsal Tools Trial & Error

Set goals for rehearsals using a theoretical lens for application in the parallel practical course and rehearsal sessions


  • Dialogue with peers, directors, and faculty about options for exploration

  • Focus on developing a personal “actor’s toolkit” of applicable theories and techniques for current and future roles

Teaching Hours:10
Rehearsal Tools Trial & Error

Set goals for rehearsals using a theoretical lens for application in the parallel practical course and rehearsal sessions


  • Dialogue with peers, directors, and faculty about options for exploration

  • Focus on developing a personal “actor’s toolkit” of applicable theories and techniques for current and future roles

Text Books And Reference Books:

To the actor: on the technique of acting By Michael Chekhov 

Respect for acting / Uta Hagen 

Building A Character / By Constantin Stanislavski 

Creating a Role : Constantin Stanislavski

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Acting: the first six lessons / by Richard Boleslavsky 

The outstanding actor: seven keys to success / Ken Rea 

My Life in Art / by Constantin Stanislavski

Evaluation Pattern

The assessments will focus on the actor's ability to apply theory in live performance scenarios and simulations. Actors will keep a journal documenting and reflecting upon their theoretical applications in rehearsals and performances as they troubleshoot techniques that are most appropriate to the plays in which they are cast. 

CIA I (20 Marks) – submission and presentation of a character analysis

CIA II (50 Marks) – written centralised exam 

CIA III (20 Marks) – submission of an actor’s notebook

ESE (50 Marks) - written centralised exam

Extra 5 marks for attendance 


Total (100 marks)

THE202B-4 - DIRECTING THEORY (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will comprehensively understand theatre directing, covering its rich global history, techniques, and approaches. Learners will also explore distinguished directors' influence on theatre development. Upon completing this course, learners will have gained a profound insight into the evolving role of the director in theatre.

       To deepen the learners' knowledge of theatre directing, including its history, techniques, and approaches.

       To gain valuable insights into the evolution of theatre and the Theatre Director.

       To analyse plays, comprehend the relationship between the director and actors, and explore the creative process of bringing a performance to fruition.

        To foster critical thinking, improve learners’ artistic sensibilities, and enhance their communication and leadership skills.

       Have a comprehensive understanding of the director's evolving role in theatre and the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in this field.

Learning Outcome

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Directing


This unit overviews the course and introduces students to the key concepts and skills they will learn.

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Directing


This unit overviews the course and introduces students to the key concepts and skills they will learn.

Teaching Hours:10
Historical and Theoretical Underpinnings



This unit explores the history and theory behind theatre directing, including the evolution of directing as an art form and the significant movements and practitioners that have influenced it.


Teaching Hours:10
Historical and Theoretical Underpinnings



This unit explores the history and theory behind theatre directing, including the evolution of directing as an art form and the significant movements and practitioners that have influenced it.


Teaching Hours:10
Play Analysis and Directorial Concept


This unit evaluates plays and develops a directorial concept for their staging, including how to interpret the script, design the production, and communicate with the creative team.


Teaching Hours:10
Play Analysis and Directorial Concept


This unit evaluates plays and develops a directorial concept for their staging, including how to interpret the script, design the production, and communicate with the creative team.


Teaching Hours:10
Director-Actor Relationship


This unit examines the dynamics between directors and actors, including communicating effectively during rehearsals, developing trust and rapport, and creating a collaborative working environment.

Teaching Hours:10
Director-Actor Relationship


This unit examines the dynamics between directors and actors, including communicating effectively during rehearsals, developing trust and rapport, and creating a collaborative working environment.

Teaching Hours:10
Creative Process and Techniques


 This unit delves into the various creative processes and techniques used by directors to realise a performance, including blocking, staging, and working with designers to create the visual and aural elements of the production.

Teaching Hours:10
Creative Process and Techniques


 This unit delves into the various creative processes and techniques used by directors to realise a performance, including blocking, staging, and working with designers to create the visual and aural elements of the production.

Teaching Hours:5
Critical Thinking and Artistic Sensibilities


This unit focuses on developing critical thinking skills and enhancing artistic sensibilities, including analysing and evaluating performances and providing constructive feedback to actors and other creative team members.


Teaching Hours:5
Critical Thinking and Artistic Sensibilities


This unit focuses on developing critical thinking skills and enhancing artistic sensibilities, including analysing and evaluating performances and providing constructive feedback to actors and other creative team members.


Teaching Hours:10
The Changing Role of the Director


This final unit explores the evolving role of the director in theatre, including the challenges and opportunities that come with this field. It prepares students for a career as a theatre director.

Teaching Hours:10
The Changing Role of the Director


This final unit explores the evolving role of the director in theatre, including the challenges and opportunities that come with this field. It prepares students for a career as a theatre director.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Katie, Mitchell. The Director's Craft: A handbook for the Theatre. New York: Rout ledge, 2009.Print

Morrison, Hugh. Directing in the Theatre.UK: A&C Black Publishing Ltd, 1984.Print

Evans and Roose, James. Experimental Theatre from Stanislavsky to Peter Brook. New York: Rout ledge, 1984.Print.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Carra, Lawrence and Dean, Alexander. Fundamentals of Play Directing.USA: Waveland Press, 2009.Print.

Francis Hodge & Michael McLain. Play Directing: Analysis, Communication, and Style 


Evaluation Pattern


The assignments in this theatre directing theory course provide an opportunity to practically apply theoretical concepts and gain valuable insights into the art of directing. The assignments include written examinations and project submissions. Completing each assignment helps students improve their skills and knowledge, laying a solid foundation for a successful career. The first assignment requires students to analyse a play text of their choosing and submit it on Google Classroom for CIA I. CIA II is a mid-semester written exam, while CIA III involves submitting a research-based project and ending the semester with a written examination. These diverse assessments enable students to showcase their skills and knowledge in various ways, comprehensively evaluating their progress throughout the course.



Evaluation pattern:


CIA I (20 Marks) – submission of a play analysis

CIA II (50 Marks) – written centralised exam

CIA III (20 Marks) - submitting a project

ESE (50 Marks) - written centralised exam

Extra 5 marks for attendance

Total (100 marks)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This skill-based course will be a comprehensive Kalari payattu that delves into the ancient

regional Kerala martial art form. The programme comprises several units designed to give

learners a well-rounded understanding of Kalari martial arts and its application to theatrical

performances. Overall, the Kalari course provides theatre learners a unique opportunity to

learn about this fascinating art form and its application to theatre performances. Learners will

gain a deep understanding of Kalari martial arts and how it can enhance their physical and

mental abilities and performances on stage, all while immersing themselves in ancient Kerala

culture and tradition.

Provides theatre students with a comprehensive understanding of Kalari martial arts

and its application to theatrical performances.

● To help learners develop physical and mental abilities, such as strength, flexibility,

endurance, concentration, and focus.

● Explore the history, philosophy, and values that underpin this art form and its cultural

significance in ancient Kerala tradition.

● To teach learners how to choreograph fight scenes using Kalari techniques and

enhance the physicality and expressiveness of actors on stage.

● To offer a unique and enriching learning experience that combines physical training,

cultural immersion, and artistic expression.

Learning Outcome

Teaching Hours:5
History and Philosophy


This unit covers the history and philosophy of Kalari martial arts, including its origins,

development, and cultural significance. Learners will understand the principles and values

underpinning the art form and how they relate to theatre performances.

Teaching Hours:5
History and Philosophy


This unit covers the history and philosophy of Kalari martial arts, including its origins,

development, and cultural significance. Learners will understand the principles and values

underpinning the art form and how they relate to theatre performances.

Teaching Hours:10


This unit focuses on the techniques used in Kalari martial arts, including kicks, strikes,

throws, and grappling. Learners will learn how to performme these techniques safely and

effectively and apply them to theatrical performances.

Teaching Hours:10


This unit focuses on the techniques used in Kalari martial arts, including kicks, strikes,

throws, and grappling. Learners will learn how to performme these techniques safely and

effectively and apply them to theatrical performances.

Teaching Hours:5
Physical Conditioning


This unit covers the physical conditioning required for Kalari martial arts, including strength,

flexibility, and endurance training. Learners will learn how to improve their physical fitness

and well-being through various exercises and practices.

Teaching Hours:5
Physical Conditioning


This unit covers the physical conditioning required for Kalari martial arts, including strength,

flexibility, and endurance training. Learners will learn how to improve their physical fitness

and well-being through various exercises and practices.

Teaching Hours:5
Meditation and Breathing


This unit focuses on the meditation and breathing techniques used in Kalari martial arts to

improve concentration, focus, and overall well-being. Learners will learn to incorporate these

practices into their daily lives and theatrical performances.

Teaching Hours:5
Meditation and Breathing


This unit focuses on the meditation and breathing techniques used in Kalari martial arts to

improve concentration, focus, and overall well-being. Learners will learn to incorporate these

practices into their daily lives and theatrical performances.

Teaching Hours:5


This unit explores the application of Kalari martial arts to theatrical performances, including

choreographing fight scenes and using martial arts techniques to enhance the physicality and

expressiveness of actors on stage.

Teaching Hours:5


This unit explores the application of Kalari martial arts to theatrical performances, including

choreographing fight scenes and using martial arts techniques to enhance the physicality and

expressiveness of actors on stage.

Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. When the body becomes all eyes, Oxford, India,2009, Phillip Zarrilli
  2. Kalarippayattu The structure and essence of an Indian martial art (Kalapariyattu)-D.H. Luijendijk- ISBN-13: 978-90-9020367-6


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Anatomy and physiology: The Unit form and Function,2004, McGraw-Hill New York,3Ed.
Evaluation Pattern

CIA I (20 Marks)

CIA II (50 Marks)

CIA III (20 Marks)

ESE (50 Marks)

Extra 5 marks for attendance

Total (100 marks)

THE282-4 - PROPS MAKING (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This hands-on course delves into prop making through the creation of small humanoid animal sculptures and functioning masks. Students learn the basics of crafting with planning, referencing, base work, detailing, and painting for sculptures. For the functional masks, they explore construction, material use, creativity, detailing, and painting. The students are free to explore their creative choices while working in a controlled environment. Emphasis on practical skills and creativity fosters technical proficiency and artistic sensibilities. By the course's end, students gain foundational prop-making expertise and use their understanding and skills when embarking on their own creative projects. Crafting skills-oriented course.

• Learn the basics of prop construction with planning and referencing

• Develop skills in crafting, detailing, and creative problem-solving

• Understand the basic crafting processes and material manipulation

• Create a story through detail and precision

Learning Outcome

CO1: Acquire foundational knowledge in prop construction, including planning and referencing techniques.

CO2: Develop proficient skills in crafting, detailing, and creative problem-solving specific to prop making.

CO3: Gain a comprehensive understanding of basic crafting processes and material manipulation methods relevant to prop construction.

CO4: Demonstrate the ability to create compelling narratives through meticulous detail and precision in prop design and execution.

CO5: Produce high-quality props that meet project requirements and contribute to the overall storytelling and visual aesthetics of a production.

Teaching Hours:15
Humanoid Character Sculpture

Referencing and mock-up sketches, understanding anatomy and poses, reducing complex images to simple shapes, character art and storytelling through images and dimensions, creating a strong base, building form, detailing, and painting for the best result.

Teaching Hours:15
Humanoid Character Sculpture

Referencing and mock-up sketches, understanding anatomy and poses, reducing complex images to simple shapes, character art and storytelling through images and dimensions, creating a strong base, building form, detailing, and painting for the best result.

Teaching Hours:15
Functioning Mask


Referencing and mock-up sketches, understanding anatomy and function, reducing complex images to simple shapes, character art and storytelling through details, constructing base and dimensions using cardboard, detailing and painting, using the mask to create a character and use it in a performance.

Teaching Hours:15
Functioning Mask


Referencing and mock-up sketches, understanding anatomy and function, reducing complex images to simple shapes, character art and storytelling through details, constructing base and dimensions using cardboard, detailing and painting, using the mask to create a character and use it in a performance.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Hart, Eric. The Prop Building Guidebook: For Theatre, Film and TV. Routledge, 2017. 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

James, Thurston. The Prop Builder&#39;s Molding &amp; Casting Handbook. Betterway Books, 1989.


Evaluation Pattern

Conducted internally at the departmental level

Students will be evaluated on their ability to apply prop-making techniques learned in class to create props for specific scenes or scenarios. 


CIA II (50 marks) – Submission of a sculpture and explaining character art


ESE (50 marks) – Full Head functioning masks submission 

Total (100 marks)